Thursday, September 20, 2001

it was pouring rain outside, but i was stuck indoors. in a minute of impulsive thought, i put on my fleece and headed out. with a mission. okay, maybe two missions. firstly, i had to get more tea. secondly, i wanted to clear my head as only a walk in the rain will do. and it was also nighttime, so the streets were calm, the roads were slow and it was just me, the rain, the sky and the ground.

so i walk down, through the forest area, listening to the rain fall on the trees.. watching the soaked, dark ground and loving the way it feels when you stand on wet leaves. all the time in the world to think... the thoughts of youth, of life and of course love. and when there's nothing in front of you except soothing, vibrant, envigorating rain, you feel like you can do anything.

as i get out of the wood, i'm taken onto the winding streets. some people pass me, and i continue down. soothed, relaxed, determined. it's always fun going to the supermarket. it's where life is replenished, and the whole world is there. and me. standing, picking out my tea. a simple task, which makes me feel nice, and which will give me pleasure in the nights to come, sitting at home... with that cup of tea.

supermarkets are always a place people seem to make "the eye" at you. filled with a bunch of lonely university students, looking for their prince or princess. but for once, i wasn't. and it was a new experience. i didn't quite know what to do... as they all thumb their melons, and gaze longingly over the frozen fish freezer. so i just.. ignored it. and if i thought anyone was after me, i gave a mean look. it's not nice of me, and i'm not proud. but, it's what i did.

the walk home was satisfying. i had my tea - four kinds (earl grey, green tea jasmine, green tea leaf and bourbon vanilla). And with my tea, I walked the long road home. More freedom, and more time with my thoughts.

Of course, there's only so much time you can spend with your own thoughts. But I'm glad I did it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

you'd have thought with a new layout, i would have updated more. but i'm lazy :) actually, i'm so happy now... i just haven't known quite what to say. a look at my status should give you a clue as to why. in fact, happiness doesn't even start to describe it. :)

my dad surprised me yesterday - brought me over a huge bridie (it's a scottish meat pie.. yum), a huge strawberry cheesecake (omg it's delicious) and a massive tub of forest fruits ice cream (*sigh*.. so yummy). it made me even happier, and by the time the day ended i was hurtin my face with so much smiling.

sheila's got a flu or a cold right now :( let's all hope she gets better soon.

frank still hasn't put his site back up - grr

jill sent me a cool email - thank you! and i look forward to the longer one :)

huong is a really good listener :)

well that's it... i can't think of much :) hehe... but i'm gonna go eat breakfast. !!

Friday, September 14, 2001

regular entries will resume tomorrow, as a mark of respect.

on a side note, a huge happy birthday to my wonderful friend, sheila.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

today is such an awful day.

i cannot believe what's happened - i watched just completely amazed.

Monday, September 10, 2001

i had such a crap day... woke up blue, got frustrated with my lack of web design talents later on, and then started to wallow in some good old fashioned self pity. i'll get over it though - one of those silly nights. i just need my bed and some sad songs. i know in the morning this mood will have passed. it better have.

but... thank you so much, steven! you were such good company online and you always say the best things. you are truly one of the most awesome people i know. and how long have we known each other? gee... not too long and you are such a great friend. :-) i thank you so much... and i'm just sorry you had to put up with a little whining from me :-p
i suck at designing my blog - today i couldn't get a good design going. grr, i'm frustrated. woke up kinda blue, as well - but now i'm trying to dissolve the mood with music. why can't i be a steven, or a frank, or a jodee... and be able to design lovely sites :( argh. i'll have to settle with being only good at... hrmm, let's see :-p nothing.

jill is the most awesome girl i know! oh my goodness! JILL YOU ARE SO AWESOME :) :) :)... she sent me a wonderful cd in the post and i got it this morning... along with the grooviest card i ever saw! (jill, that chair is amazingly sexy! ;)) and it meant so much to me :) :) it really brightened up my day. thank you sooooooo much jill! missing you too... good luck in Cheeseland! :) hehe. Expect various British cheer in the mail shortly ;)

well, i'm not sure what to do now... noone is online, i have no money to go anywhere and my web site design is going nowhere. i guess i'll watch some tv and... i dunno!! :Þ and to steven - dude, good luck with college today! I hope you have the best time :) i'm gonna eat now, i guess ...

There goes my old girlfriend
There's another diamond ring
And of all those late night promises
I guess they don't mean a thing

So baby, what's the story
Did you find another man
Is it easy to sleep in the bed that we made
When you don't look back I guess
The feelings start to fade away

I used to feel your fire
But now it's cold inside
And you're back on the street
Like you didn't miss a beat, yeah

Tell me what it takes to let you go
Tell me how the pain's supposed to go
Tell me how it is that you can sleep
In the night, without thinkin' you lost
Everything that was good in your life
To the toss of the dice
Tell me what it takes to let you go

Girl, before I met you, I was F.I.N.E. fine
But your love made me a prisoner
Yeah, my heart's been doing time
You spent me up like money
A then you hung me out to dry
It was easy to keep all your lies in disguise
'Cause you had me in deep
With the devil in your eyes

Tell me that you're happy that you're on your own
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Tell me that it's better when you're all alone
Tell me that your body doesn't miss my touch
Tell me that my lovin' didn't mean that much
Tell me you ain't dying
When you're cryin' for me

Tell me who's to blame for thinkin' no no no
'Cause I don't wanna burn in paradise
Oooh, I don't, I don't no I don't wanna burn in paradise
let it go, let it go...
I don't wanna burn....

- what it takes, aerosmith

nothing ever turns out right. and life is so unfair.

Saturday, September 08, 2001

Duel, the most exciting movie ever

omg! tonight, i was stunned, shocked, stirred and hurled into excitement like never before! my mouth fell open, amazed about what was unfolding in front of me. i could never look away, i'd miss the tremendous action! i could never take a breath, because it was all so breathtaking. i saw what is undoubtedly the most thrilling movie... the most fast paced and the movie with the most satisfying ending i ever saw.

it was one hour and twenty five minutes long. you have a man driving in the california mountains, and a crazy gas tanker driver. a high speed chase, which is full of fabulous camera angles, delightful monologues and sweat-inducing pace. i loved it! almost fell off my bed! you GOTTA see it!!! hehe

on another note... looked after the shitsu... it's so cute! and so nice! the perfect houseguest. and i'm exhausted now. goodnight, all :)

Friday, September 07, 2001

i'm looking after my aunt's dog tomorrow. it's a shitsu called Shang. that should be fun. all i want to do is sleep tonight. i feel sorta ill. oh well, new design for this site around the corner, i think. i wish i had a webcam... i'd take a pic of shang. :)

Thursday, September 06, 2001

it's so late, i'm so tired, so why am i even bothering writing this update? i hear you... and i'll tell you. my last one, i feel was a tad boring. dull. i just fell into the dark pit of telling you all my actions of the day. maybe you are interested. if so, i'm very pleased. if not, then this update may suit you more. or perhaps not, because you see - i want my bed. it's there, and nothing at all is stopping me from going there. i guess i'm so addicted to this darn internet, i forget what's important. like my sleep. on a side note, don't you hate when you are kind enough to ask someone how they are, and they don't have the decency to ask you back. it's not like i'm going to prattle on... but it's only polite. *sigh*

today was interesting. today was interesting, and pleasurable. no. today was interesting, pleasurable and useful. firstly, it was good to see ally. he's a great friend, and i always enjoy his company. secondly, it was fun catching up with him. thirdly, i got some things done - bought more green tea, etc.

i feel great right now. completely happy, and excited about what life can bring. i have passion to travel many more places, and meet so many new people. i want to live life with my head up high and walk right into the deepest fun, exciting and pleasurable experiences. dive, swim, leap... just have exhilerating fun. :) and now, i'm definitely going to bed. love life - and it will most certainly love you. ;) skeet
i'm tired. very tired. i want to go relax in bed with a cup of tea, and watch more er. i'm seriously addicted - 6 episodes yesterday, and 6 the day before. i had a great day, though. let me give you the details ;)

woke up... pissed off because i couldn't sleep anymore. i have no idea why, but it was impossible. so i dragged myself downstairs, made a bagel with cream cheese and ham and watched tv until it was time to get clean. so i got clean.. and washed my hair (herbal essenses for you interested folks). i also used this rough thing (i guess it's a loofah?) on my arms with bath and body works citrus basil shower gel. nice.

so after i'm all clean, i decide to wear a harvard u shirt into downtown dundee... dunno why but i haven't wore it other than in bed so i thought i'd go wild. i love my harvard tshirt :) anyway... i go to the bus stop, and there are two police officers there. i think someone tore down the bus stop overnight, but anyway i walked to the next one and almost missed the bus - made it though, sat down and got through the boring journey.

i got off the bus, and waited for ally. stood around watching the strange folk in the town go by. then i saw him approach, and we proceeded on looking for a cell phone for him. we got a sneeky salesman in one store, and a very vibrant 50 year old lady in another (i remarked to ally, she's such a cool lady for her age). she was really awesome! gave great honest advice. but, in the end he decided to go dodgy and buy a second hand cell phone and insert his old SIM card... not something i'd do in case the goods are stolen... but ally is a determined laddie ;)

well, we head out to the new starbucks in the welgate center... it's mediocre. nice staff though. i know the lady there, and we had a chat about coffee, and she said i'd be great workin at starbucks ;) hehe.. she's cool. getting used to her new automatic machine there. (how boring is this entry!!!!) we sat down, i showed my 10,000 vacation photos to ally and we moved on to the best starbucks in the overgate. (where some strange guys were staring at us! they looked slightly insane)

blah blah blah hehe - what a mess i'm making of this entry. sorry for my boringness. anyway! it was a great day, great to see ally and nice to go to starbucks. and, according to steve, there's a great new show to look out for - amazing race. sounds awesome! i'm so tired!!!! I WANT SLEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! :):) Love ya all ;) skeet

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

thanks to all those who sign my guestbook :) it's so awesome when i get entries... makes me smile brightly for ages. you know, the more i watch ER, the more i love it... and the more i love the characters. i'm going out again tomorrow for coffee - with the man, ally wilson... so that should mean a nice update tomorrow. right now i'm having another awesome chat with steve... so he gets a mention on this update! yay.. hehe... anyway, that's that for today. :-p

perhaps i'll write more later but now i have nothing more to say but - enjoy your new shows (or shoes ;)), stevie poo (haha)... ally - seeya tomorrow and have a cool morning at college... frank lieu- i'm so happy you found that note! hehe... i sneakily left it on your desk ;) and sheila - try and get some sleep to stay healthy and all that ;) later

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

i woke up early, and spent a good part of the morning with juliana margulies before heading into town. that's always awesome! ;) okay, yeah... it was through the tv, but who cares. it's still breakfast with juliana margulies!! ;-) then i headed into town to meet up with paul. the stupid bus though, had to try and get through a closed road. and the dumb driver sat there waiting for large trucks and tractors to move. i was getting very pissed off. but he finally moved his ass and i got into town. of course, it all had me disorientated, and i tried to get into the mall through the wrong door.. an emergency exit. and i kept trying. my mind couldn't understand this was not supposed to be... but finally i walked to another door (in the wrong direction) and after five minutes, i got in.

well, by the time i met up with paul i must have been looking so out of it... i quickly ordered some ice tea (yes, i'm a hypocrite... but i was darn hot after being in the bus with no air conditioning and my long treck to find the entrance to the mall). things picked up after that, though... some good lighthearted, relaxed conversation in the cool breezy atmosphere of starbucks. although, we were sandwiched in between so many people, it was difficult to get comfortable and chat properly... some german guys on the right, and two woman with a baby on the left. the baby was so cute, though... it looked so peaceful, and it was asleep. at first i was thinking, argh.. a baby.. i bet it will cry. but yes, i was very wrong.

pleasantaries (i can't spell) were exchanged by myself and paul... we had some light chat whilst he sipped his latte, and i sipped my ice tea. a very nice day. it was certainly worth all the bother getting there. plus, i hadn't seen paul in a long time, so that was quite swell. i got back home in time for dick van dyke in diagnosis murder... which rounded off it all, and i enjoyed the show with a hot mug of shangri-la tea. :) i'm now away to .. do something and i don't know what. :-Þ

Monday, September 03, 2001

wow. i have to say, this is the end of another good day. it really has been wonderful - and for no particular reason other than doing laundry and having some great chats online. i guess that's all you need in life - laundry and friendship. it's very fulfilling.

i just had a wonderful chinese bath. i feel great now - relaxed, and ready to curl up in bed with some music, and lie back and just think about things. i now smell of ginger and nutmeg from the bath... i feel like eating my arm or something, the smell is too nice :)

i'm awaking early tomorrow. to have a good breakfast, watch some ER then pop down town and meet up with paul for a bit... have a chinwag and all that before he goes back to his classes in the afternoon. and who knows what else i'll do after that. maybe go to waterstones, the book store and have a look around, or perhaps even buy some more green tea at the chinese herbalist.

note to ally: dude, i was going to email you, but i thought i'd do this instead to save my strength :) i hope college went well today on your first day... can't wait to hear about it on thursday man!

well people, love to you all on this fine night. i hope you all had a good as day as i had, if not better! if not, go out tomorrow and make it be fun. because if we don't try then life will just be a miserable pain in the ass. peace and love. skeet.
well that's the first load of laundry in. oh boy, you can tell today is going to be exciting ;) haha. i feel like doing something today, but i'm not sure what yet. i'm waiting on my dad giving me a spot of cash ;) because i'm broke, and have no job (gee, maybe i should get the readers to donate money via paypal like some chaps do ;))

that fine fellow, frank lieu, changed his layout yet again. and i must say it's even better than his last - bravo, big f! ;) ahh, it puts my site to shame... my crumby design next to his superduper one :):) *sigh* i'm chatting to our anna right now... it's awesome. she's a swell lass, so she is, fow newcastle, ken, ken, ;) eh, pet hehe.. sorry that's my newcastle accent for ya. can't wait to meet ya in glasgow anna with ally!! *jumps excitedly* hehe.. later.
it's laundry day today. okay, there's an element of fun, because i get to handle persil capsules (little alien detergent squishy capsules)... and more later :) skeet

Sunday, September 02, 2001

yay! i finally got the slightly improved version of this blog online... added a couple more things, so you can learn more about me :) i'm having a great day again - chats online have gotten so cool and the people i chat to are the most awesome! hehe... fun galore.

gee i've certainly cheered up from last week - i still hate my town!! but i'm excited about what life has in store... exciting stuff. I wanna go skydiving tho! why don't you all come along! yeah, you.. ;) and you! :) we'll all dive! hehe. ahhh i'm definitely changing my image a bit.. new haircut, because i'm so tired of my boring look. yay.. i'm staying up late again, lately. i'm back to my nightlyness... which is cool. and may attribute to the jollier mood! later - (yo jennie, you just appeared in a box on aim, so i'm gonna say yo! :)) skeet.
yesterday was a good day

woah... yesterday was an awesome day! simple pleasures, they are always the best. cool chats, just relaxing and also throw in some music and it's a pretty swell day. i went to bed truly satisfied and knowing that i'd had a nice one... :) hehe and that's put me in a good mood today. i can't wait to get a haircut, though. it will rock, because i want one soo badly ;) it's been a while since my last.

Saturday, September 01, 2001

skeet & anthony
a painful world full of hurt makes me sad

so many things make me sad. i can't help but feeling so incredibly bad when i see some things. such as, when i see old ladies go into restaurants and eat alone. nothing makes me feel so horrible... to see them just sitting there with no company, because i can't help think that their whole life is like that, and maybe they go home to an empty house and just cry or something. you just want to give them a huge hug. but you can't cure the world's lonliness because there are so many millions who are. :(

there was a time at baker's square i saw a few old people on their own... now maybe they liked it, but what if they were so lonely. :( i bet they are all wonderful people with great stories and all and if only we could all be a friend to them. ahh i think too much about stuff. i just can't stand it. the world is so cruel for some!!! :(:(:( skeet. *hugz* to ya all :) remember to spread some happiness today :) later.
dang, drat... my thoughts have flown away

i can't believe it... i just wrote my entry for like two days ago, and it's amazingly crap. not at all how i wanted it. just shows, when you leave things you loose all the good stuff you were going to add. it's just not what i wanted! argh. i was in two minds to put it up, but heck i'm not going to waste it now because it took some finger power with all the deletions and such. *sigh*

i stepped on the bus to ride to tesco. walked to the second floor, and sat down. two very depressing old people were up there, chatting away. one russian/scottish lady was chatting a scottish man. i could relate to what the man was saying -he was fed up seeing the same horrid streets of dundee become more depressing with every time he went out. nothing changes, the dreary weather takes away the essence of your soul and stifles your creativity. and yes, i agree so much. my town really can suck the life out of the most vibrant people. after you've lived here for a while, you get used to the same old faces, the same moans and groans from the residents and the same weirdness from the youth of the town who are turning all strange and gothic or weird music listenin-strange clothes-sheep kinda people.

the russian/scottish lady was a little embarressed. i think she had a crush on the gentleman next to her. they were on opposite sides of the bus, so i knew they were just strangers passing in the cold wet day. but she got the courage to give her rather depressing input: "aye, well you get used to it i suppose". and that struck me. is that what i'm here for? destined to get used to a mundane life in a backwards town and end up at the age of 70 on a bus still complaining about how i hate the town? it motivated me some more to get my ass outta here as soon as i can. a nice enough lady, she seemed very sweet... but i just don't want to end up like her. or the man. i feel sorry for him - he hates the town and is depressed by it, yet he stays. i guess he figures there's not much point now, but heck, why didn't he move out earlier.

i love going to tesco - the supermarket (like jewel/kroger/publix). it's an hours walk from my house, as i've probably mentioned before. i can't explain why i like going there, though. well, maybe i can point out it's near water (right by the river tay).. and i love water. it's full of food - and i love food. and there are a lot of interesting people there. well, okay maybe not interesting, really... because they are mostly normal town folk going about their shoppping business. but it's interesting to be around a lot of them and just experience it. weird? yeah, but then again i am insane (eh, frank :p) it's someplace to go, it's open 24 hours a day and there's something very symbolic about fresh food, or supermarkets.. how we need nourishment and it also gives you the idea of going forward, progressing :)

i think a lot of people go to the supermarket for the social feel... new people... attractive people... and come on, who hasn't eyed someone up over the frozen meat department ;) although at this point in time, i've not been doing that. i'm happy being single, ye. :) i guess.. yeah... i am. and i'm so lucky to know such special people that my life is really fulfilled with awesome friendships. i noticed someone trying to give me the eye on my way down there... normally i guess i'd be happy or something. but i just thought heck, no time for anything right now... relationships mess stuff up. and someone else on the way back.. i did smile, but i feel like i'd rather be swimming in sour milk right now. unless someone amazing comes along which has happened but because life sucks nothing will ever be cool because life is a strange strange thing. oh well! writing this was painful because it's so not what i meant to say. blah blah blah.

and that's the end of my silly entry. not at all what i wanted it to be, but it was a day of stuff i wanted to write about. argh how frustrating! :( on a nicer note... last night there was a spider in my room - he was a friendly fellow. very cooperative, too. i told him to stay still and i'd get him in a glass and put him back outside - and he did it. as we parted company, and he went back outside into the big world, i felt strangely proud i'd preserved a life, and also very reflective. if only some humans could be like spiders. nice, kind things, who aren't capable of being nasty of hurtful :) love ya all! skeet.
i think i'm fine, i really do, but please don't take my word for it

i think today i feel a little more in the mood of writing - i slept last night, which is really something. weird though, i had the feeling i was some sort of pasta piece in my half-restless awakening sleep. :-/ i'm away to get breakfast then attempt to write my update from two days ago.

Thursday, August 30, 2001

sorry jill, hello jill ;)

i promised jill i'd update.. and i will, jill :) but right now im so tired i can't even think so tomorrow is going to be when i do ;) not that it's important but i said i would and i don't want to leave it blank :) later

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

morning mist clouds the day and i cannot see

i feel strange, unchallenged but i also feel like i could do anything. that feeling quickly fades once i try and put things into practice, however. i'm getting better though. at arranging my life and meeting some of the challenges i'm setting myself. i'm in an online shakespeare study group (right now studying hamlet), i'm allowing myself to listen to more fantastic music and i'm reading more! i love to read, i love the satisfaction it gives you, but lately i've been having trouble. read all last night, though. awesome.

i'm filling my life with tea. i now have eight different kinds. i think that surely means something is missing. all i think i need is a challenge. the ability to do something worthwhile and feel genuinely tired after it. after all, what good is a brain if you leave it to rot with tv. and what good is having an adventurous spirit if you don't seize the day. or, as Ally sometimes likes to ejaculate: "carpe aestus" (i think i spelled it wrong). but he can correct me on that. Seize the surf! is what it means. and yes, we must agree it's so inspiring.

god don't you love to be inspired. my music, art, people and everything around you. there are no finer moments in life when you look around you and every detail of life is superb and completely inspiring, and encourages you to get higher and higher in life or projects you are doing just because you realise life is completely beautiful.

Monday, August 27, 2001

Friends, how wonderful to have good ones

I love my friends. After many years of having a bunch dump me for people more "cool" than I, it's easy to spot good, genuine ones. I value them so much in my life, and are as dear to me as close family.

There's Ally Wilson - a stellar chap, whom I've known since chemistry class in high school. We have a lot in common - and can talk for hundreds of hours at a time about specific things. Former class members (eh, ally ;) yon T.N. ;)), funky web design stuff, general banter about the human condition and most recently, Jewish practices! Not to forget the lively discussions about Jinty Batkins and others ;) I'm proud to call this guy my friend.

And there's Paul Brown. Great friend, from my Modern Studies class in high school. We loathed each other then... well, okay maybe not as strongly loathing that i needed it in bold. but it was weird. after that class finished however, and we started chatting, we became good friends. It's always nice to meet up for coffee and a good old chinwag with paul. And, again.. I'm proud to call this guy my friend.

Let's go overseas for a minute, with the awesome people I met in Naperville. I've been chatting to them for a while online, and meeting them confirmed they were great people, great friends:

Frank Lieu... smashing, groovy guy. Jill Dovale... hip, entertaining and very opinionated lass... Mike Drago... another opinionated one... altho he's a lad, not a lass. we had many the good times laughing away at golden girls, and countless infomercials. Sheila Pariñas... what a groovy lady, we always enjoy fascinating conversations about everything ever! :)

And there's HUNDREDS more! So don't be offended if I didn't mention you, because what I did to select people to make it a fair entry (because I can't be bothered typing all day ;)) was turn names over on paper and select 6 of them :) And they are in no particular order, either! :) Just random, except splitting into local and international :)

Well, that's just my little dedication to some cool people i know. later in the next months, i may include some more people! :) later, skeet.

Friday, August 24, 2001

Forest Walk, Clears My Head, Reawakens My Soul

I just got back from an awesome walk... next to my house there is a park, a forest place... which goes very high and is great for walking. It's full of nice green trees, bushes and shrubs. It's also very quiet, with hardly anyone around. I like it there, and forgot how good it was to just go out and take a stroll. It's certainly rejuvinated me for the day. I got some lovely fresh Scottish air as well.

Many thanks to Sheila for her cool email to me... with great hints on how to not be bored. They help - good suggestions. Ah, now all I have to do is try them all out and see if I can relieve my boredom everytime it pops into my life.

I do enjoy life. And now is the time for me to earn a little money so I can get travelling some more, and do more spontaneous things. As I was saying to Sheila this morning, there's nothing like being spontaneous... it adds spice into life, and makes you a much more lively and bright person. I enjoy doing things last minute, without prior thought... a lot of big things however, I need to work and get money for. Such as right now, I feel like going to Rome for the day, and spending the night. ;-) But that needs a little money (not much, since it's so close to the UK and flights are very cheap on budget airlines).

Try and add a little spontenaity into your life.... however you spell it. Because you will always look back on what you did very fondly, and have some new experiences under your belt. Go where the wind blows, jump on a bus one day and head for New York.... or even jump on a plane and just go over to Seattle for a nice cup of coffee :) It's going to give you some terrific stories to tell your friends!! :) take good care. Skeeter.

Thursday, August 23, 2001

What Do You Do When You're Bored?

Boredom is awful, a feeling of despair along with having nothing fulfilling in that point in your life. Horrid. So what do you do? And when you are bored, many things seem pointless, or you just can't be bothered to get off your lazy arse and do things.

I've been bored lately... isn't everyone. But what to do.... I don't know. Had a bunch of ideas, but couldn't be bothered following through. *Yawn* I'm bored right now... which is why I am writing this pointless update. So email me! What do you do!??! I want to know. :-p
i got a notification of legal proceedings in the mail today. how thrilling. apparently whilst i was away on vacation, i got a bill for one of my old domain names. i failed to pay, because i was out of the country, and now they want to take me to court. life is exciting, isn't it.

past few days, nothing has really been new. same ol' same ol'... but what can you do? tell me about it. ;-) anyway, i thought i'd do a little update before i start my day. why not email me? ;-) later. skeet.

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

i love green tea

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

i sit here... watching my life fly by, the sweetest years of my life dissolve and become extremely bitter. i sit back in my chair and look back, look forward, but whatever way i look it all ends with the same feeling. a slight emptiness. and what is there to fill it? i've not come to a definite conclusion yet, however i'll let you know.

and another summer has gone by. another adventure has ended. beauty is out there, beauty i have seen and experienced fully. but the ugliness of life is once more present. Not too ugly. we're comparing rita hayworth to lucille ball here. lucille is nice, but rita is astonishingly beautiful. and to match that, we must look further.

i'm babbling, but my point is what i feel and what i feel is what i write. and i enjoy sharing these little spells of madness, because it keeps me a little more together. like blades of grass i'm growing a little yellow with lack of moisture, with lack of exhileration.

i'll never forget the brightness of the sun one particular day in the usa. it was fascinating to see the world lit up around me, super to see the light shining brightly on all the faces, bringing a sparkle to life, injecting fun into the day. the warmth of the sun on my back, good company as well, i soaked in the splendidness of the day. it was truly beautiful.

and i'll never forget the dullness of some days. the days you feel like the world is ending, or that you'd like it that way. those days you climb into bed and don't ever want to leave, when comfort so close can seem so far, and your happiness is going to be stolen quicker than you could ever imagine. i won't treasure those days however, and i won't forget them. which pains me, slightly, which makes me feel a little more blue. even with the beautiful days why do the bad ones prevail in setting my mood.

but yes, i go now with a slight smile on my face and a wicked twist in my walkaway. i bid ye farewell for this dull day, and will join you once again soon. take care, loved ones. for i value you all, faithful friends and blog readers. have a truly wonderful one, and until we meet again, let me say goodbye.

Friday, August 17, 2001

I started painting. It's awesome - relaxing, fun, and it's taking up a lot of my time. I went into town yesterday to pick up some more art supplies... got back and did a pretty okay painting of The Red Armchair... apart from the face looking a little odd, it looks okay for my second attempt at painting.

In town I realised Dundee has no trendy places to go and hang out, except Starbucks and the Contemporary Arts Center. Even then - Starbucks is either stuck in the architectural disaster - the Overgate... or in the ugly smoky Welgate. And the Arts center is only really cool sometimes. Even if there were more trendy places - who would use them? The town is turning into a bunch of sheep who wear black. This town can bite me. skeet.

Monday, August 13, 2001

i spent a little time reflecting on some things this morning. such as life, and how there have been times when i hated it, got so sick of it... and then experiences in my life made me think otherwise. such as in memphis, when i actually feared for my life. it was scary, and sitting in the front seat, i realised how much i valued my life. how, if it shortly ended, i would miss out on so much.

and you know, everything out there is always beautiful... the trees, sky, oceans... it's only our clouded views that make them seem bad. because, basically, life is good. and i do believe that. however, some times it's very difficult to grasp that, and make yourself happy because of that fact. take right now. i'm not sure where i'm headed in life, and i'm sitting at home bored, confused as to what the rest of the year will bring. i look outside at the same old thing i've lived with for most of my life - the graveyard i see out my window, the same trees, neighbors. then i walk more in my town, remember terrible memories in buildings i pass, people i meet, streets i walk on. but out there, life is good. and those buildings and streets have at one time seemed normal, even nice. so, wouldn't you say they have always been. yes, of course. my silly mind however is convincing me otherwise. i should get past it all, but that's a very difficult thing to do.

Jill has a theory that everyone in the world should see a therapist. at first, i didn't really agree... her reasoning was that we all need someone, whom we don't know, with a new perspective. and now i'm coming round to thinking that way. it's certainly a nice way to spill out your emotions without having to worry about what that person thinks of you, without having to conceal things which may hurt others or reveal something about yourself you'd rather not have a person know. i guess there's one thing that will never change as well - jill is an insightful lass, and things she says aren't half thought out theories or random thoughts... but life changing, wonderful thoughts which we should all embrace.

isn't it weird how living in a town for so long can make you so sick of it. such as the second day you are back, you step on the bus, and see the girl who used to be your country dancing partner in school. who used to make fun of you for no reason, and got her younger sister also to make fun of you... so that everyone in the school would have a low opinion, especially in high school, and because of things like that, the whole school turns against you for six years. or you may bump into the guy who used to be your best friend for five years but, one day just stopped talking to you, turned against you. maybe if you are lucky, you will also run into the two guys who used to spread rumors throughout the school about you, pretend to be your friend and take money from you... how fun. and you can't escape these people in your town! everyone who has ever hurt you is surrounding you, and making it difficult for you to breathe. no matter how much you try to escape the memories persist. and that's a hard realisation. the only question is what on earth can you do... and i cannot think of the answer. try and think of lovely thoughts? nah doesn't work. sometimes you just need to leave it all behind, your town, your old life and never return. and i hope some day i can do that.

music is grand isn't it. one thing about these "lazy" (ie boring, silly, horrid) days that does make me feel good is the ability to listen to any music i want, loud and even if i want, i can sing along. anything from aerosmith to some duke ellington, to red hot chili peppers and even the troggs. music lifts you up, soothes the soul and elevates you higher than anything else but art can do. add in a cup of tea and it's pretty easy to forget about life for a while. and that's always nice, especially when it feels like it is at its ugliest. music can contain all the fabulous aspects of life - beauty and passion, letting you reach the higher levels, allowing you to feel fulfilled, with some new hope perhaps.

i really enjoy chatting to frank these days. it seems our conversations are growing more fruitful each time, getting deeper and deeper. it's also great to chat to someone who has a good idea of a lot of the things i talk about. not to say others don't... i love my conversations with everyone. but it's wonderful when conversations which used to be more web site/message board focused turn into more succulent ones.

at the moment i feel like i need to something constructive and meaningful. tomorrow i head into town with my dad to have a look around the art supply store... hopefully it will kickstart me on my painting hobby. now, this hobby is thanks to two things. Jill Dovale and the Art Institute of Chicago. I'm not sure exactly when Jill inspired me to paint, but it was around the very first days I met her... probably at the back of her house, with the art book out. or one of the smashing car journeys, where we just chatted. but i know it was definitely jill.. jill dovale, swell lass :) (yo jill). And the thanks to the Art Institute, because they have so many fabulous pieces there. From one of my favorite Picasso piece (The Red Armchair), to Van Gogh, Dali, Kandinsky and so much more. There is one in particular, which is so simple, although I can't remember the name. That's a large part of the reason i'm taking it up. and i can't wait. who knows what i could create! :) well, i've written enough for now. later. and come on, email me if you want :)

Sunday, August 12, 2001

Gee whizz. Leather Strap (The Male to Male Spanking and Whipping Site) have named a character after ME! Now, how do I know this? Okay, well let me state I am not a reader of Leather Strap. I was doing a search for my name, and this came up. And I'm not giving out the link because it's very graphic and disgusting - featuring my name! :( Grr. Skeeter does not like this :)

On a happier note - there have been 2 movies named after me... Skeeter and Little Skeeter. Swell! Okay, well that was interesting. For something a little more healthier, I've got some of my trip photos in a gallery. 1/5th of the scans can be found by clicking here. Later. Skeet.

Saturday, August 11, 2001

jill and skeet
Jill and Me in Oak Park

Frank is amazing. No, also awesome. Everyone should visit his site!!! :-D Because he sent me my photos (25 mb zip file!!) today. I can finally get them online. Thanks, buddy! :-)

The weekend. Well, it's here. Looked forward to by so many but not by me. I lose my freedom - my mom is home from work and I no longer have the house to myself. Ah well, Monday is close... not long to wait now.

Yes, the Bea Arthur link was rather risque :) But, it's extrememly funny :) I rarely offer naughty links, so it's a very pleasant surprise for you all =:¬Þ Well, now I'm away to work on putting these photos online. Plus, check out the front page of for the new look welcome page :) Skeet.

Friday, August 10, 2001

The Secret Life of Bea Arthur -- Who knew!

Thursday, August 09, 2001

Twenty weeks in Russia. $5000. That sounds wonderfuly tempting. And I'm completely serious. I couldn't think of a better way to spend the next twenty weeks. Because, let's face it, it's better than twenty miserable ones in a town I loathe. Today more than others I've been feeling rather depressed about my situation. Back home, almost in college (if I decide to go)... just things mounting up, my direction is lost once more. I thought it would be fine once I came back, but as I've mentioned before, the town intimidates me too much. Everything is too familiar. I know most people I see on the streets, and they know me. And 90% of them don't get along with me.

I just crave adventure, new scenery, new situations. I love the challenges things can bring, and the satisfaction after I get through it all. Wouldn't Russia provide that? Yes. And if I had the money, I'd go in a minute. But alas, I'm paying off debt from my last trip. But I'll get there. My fur hat is waiting to be worn, and Russia will experience the joy of Skeet :)
I just took a personality test... here's the result

"Skeeter, you're a Skydiver!

You're a free-spirited, independent, action-crazed lunatic. You love movies with sex and violence, and you drive like a maniac. "Anything for a good time," is your motto, even if that means dancing half-dressed on some booze-slicked bar. But let's face it, you're so fun, interesting, and gung-ho about life that people find you irresistible no matter what you do."
I woke up this morning feeling suprisingly comfortable. No, not with life, but with my sleepwear :-) Pygama pants from Meijer, and a Harvard tshirt. I glanced in the mirror, and thought... hrmm, I look comfortable. And felt it too. So as I eat my breakfast, I was happy in the knowledge I felt loungy.

Billy Joel is playing right now - River of Dreams album. It's good. I have the house to myself in the days so get to play whatever I want, as loud as I want. It's fun, especially playing music I wouldn't feel comfortable playing around my mom. It's going to be a great lazy day, but I also have the knowledge that I have to decide about college soon. And basically, if I don't decide to go, then my parents will be severely pissed off, and I won't get money each week for going. It's tough... because I really don't want to go to this particular college. It's in Dundee, the town which is filled with negative memories for me... and probably in my classes will be some of the major assholes from high school. Also, quite honestly, I've had it with learning. I'd rather live life and learn that way than read someone else's version in a book, or someone else's set agenda for what I need to know. Screw it all. If it wasn't for parent's pressure on me, I'd say fuggit.

I feel like expanding my site a little more today, but I'll probably end up with nothing new :) As I was saying to Dave yesterday in an email, I'm such a pathetic site design guy, because I never carry my ideas completely through. I'll write more later, but for now I'm going to get started on something :) Or perhaps spend more time on the board... something productive! I'm still completely exhausted from travel.. I should be getting over that soon, but it's difficult. Especially when I didn't travel in a stress free way - I did it by Greyhound in the US, and so that takes a lot out of you, and is very stressful. More so when you move about each week. Skeet.

Wednesday, August 08, 2001

did you know that ernie is a really cool and awesome guy? what's even cooler is that i've had the chance to meet him :)
did you also know that dave is a really cool and awesome guy? haven't met him, but chatted plenty online.

those two people are just a selection of the great people i've managed to become friends with. so there ya go, a little shout out :)
I find myself in the middle of another day, and with nothing much to report. So I'll concentrate on the more blog aspects of my life, such as the archives are now open once more, there is a pictures page so you can get an idea of what I, and the people I talk about look like, and also if you look on the right hand side, below all the links, there is a new feature, so you can leave me little notes, or comments about anything :)

One thing I forgot the other day when I updated was, on Saturday 4 August, I met up with my good friend Paul at Starbucks. Had a great chat, although I feel like I talked and talked so much he must have been bored stiff :) I had a great time though, and it was especially good to see him again after 2 months. He was the last friend I saw before I left, and the first when I came back. That's groovy! :-)

When I met Eugene in Memphis, he wore a cool fisherman's hat, because he couldn't be bothered to gel his hair that morning. I thought it was such a cool idea, I went to K Mart and got myself one a couple of weeks ago :-) And I'm wearing it now. So thanks, Eugene! Great fashion idea :-D

Had a chinwag with Frank this morning. Discussing some technical stuff... I'm working on an improved message board for our sites. The old Fateboard was awesome in its shining hours, but seems to have... lost it's wonder. Mostly because it was wiped to start fresh. So my thinking is, why not try and add some new features. Nothing mind blowing. I mean, you won't jump out of your seat and run around your town screaming "The Board Is Amazing!"... nah, you may however say to yourself... "gee whizz".

It's been a while since I got to explore The Only Gay Eskimo's site... the awesome Jodee has added some great new stuff. It's dirty, hard hitting, and definitely smashing! Check it out some time. The George W Bush and Al Gore kissing picture is a hoot, isn't it Sheila :) (yo Sheila! Hope the Disney movie turned out well! :)) Well, that's it from me for now. Later, later.. later! :) Skeet.

jill and skeet
Jill and Skeet in Chicago
i have a small request :) if you haven't signed the guestbook recently, perhaps you could now :) i just love getting entries, and it's there for a purpose :):):) thanks! skeet.

Tuesday, August 07, 2001

Well, I'm home. And it feels strange. Yeah, it's nice to be back to my own bed... my own refrigerator and all that. But I really do miss the USA... and the folks of Naperville, IL... I had a great time. One that I don't think could be matched in the near future. It's strange not to be hanging out with Jill, Mike, Frank and many others... not sharing wisdom, having a good old fashioned chinwag. And I dearly miss that wholesome banter.

The wonderful people there kindly bought me a Queen of Clean apron! It was so thoughtful, and I will wear it daily with extreme pride! :-) It made me guffaw for many, many hours. How sneaky of them, as well... as it was slipped into my bag before I left :) You wyld things, Mike and Jill!

Had a hellish journey home, however. I arrived at Chicago Midway in plenty time for my flight... but thunderstorms started, and they closed the airport for almost 3 hours. Which meant, by the time I got in Atlanta, I had missed my flight into Washington DC.. however, they put me on a later flight, and it left me with 30 minutes in Washington to catch the London flight. I still had to collect my bags, and check into that flight... but I made it. I skillfully managed that whole journey without running into major disaster. And British Airways, for no reason at all, upgraded my flight from World Traveller, to business class. Which was awesome... a real treat after the terrible time I had getting on all the flights. I then arrived in London, where I had to wait almost 5 hours until my Edinburgh flight. After all the hassle, I reached home.

I feel so mixed about being back home. Sort of lost... unsure where my direction is. The funny thing is, I'm so intimidated by this pathetic little town. Even going to the chip shop seems scary. And the thing is, I travelled in the US alone... got on the Greyhound buses by myself, found most towns by myself. And nothing really scared me too much over there. I handled everything pretty well, and all the situations I found myself in. But now in Dundee, my home town... things are just so terribly different.

I suppose I'll adjust... and find myself here... but for now, I'll look at my photographs from the trip, remember the smashing times, the great people, and look forward to my next adventure, wherever it may take me. For now, I'll say seeya. Please email me if you want... I enjoy getting them :) the link is on the right. skeet.

eugene ahn and skeet
random usa pic - eugene and me at sushi place, memphis, tn

to see you when i wake up
is a gift i didn't think be real.
to know that you feel the same as i do
is a three fold utopian dream.
you do something to me that i can't explain
so would i be out of line if i said,
i miss you.
- incubus

Sunday, July 29, 2001

feeling strangely good... had an excellent day, even though the time of excellence was perhaps 1/6 of the day :) Not to say, however, that the rest of the day was bad... not at all. Just lazy, uneventful, tv watching/sleeping kind of a day. Which was nice, certainly relaxing... and my time with Mike and Jill at a quaint little tea shop (well, quaint, in a rich town... with posers outside :-p) and at Omega Restaurant... it was all wonderful. Good conversations and such.

And now I find myself with some time to write an update... that's nice, isn't it? Because, lately my time has been pretty lacking. It's been swell, however, just one of those things where life is so full you can't keep up. Let me tell you about yesterday. Went to Michigan, with Mike D, Mike R, Frank, Paul, Ryan, Wanyu and Rob Thomas. Great day, fabulous weather. I enjoyed myself, and we ran up the sand dune. Pictures of all this when I return home... which is in a week... no, even less. Woah.

So a trip is nearing its end. One full of excitement, wonder, beauty, life-affirming acts and even sometimes utter fear (near death experiences, etc). I look back on it with lots of joy; lots of memories which will never fade. And as home draws closer, I look forward to it, my own home-comforts, friends, bed, tea...:) Awesome. So take care, and write me some emails, and have a jolly good day. Skeet.

Thursday, July 26, 2001

hola,short update, woooooo :) hey, i leave the US in a week :( oh well, then i get to writing my travel thing, looking back on the trip.... supppper

Wednesday, July 11, 2001



i am being forced to update, but what the heck... here's a summary of so far:

- near death experience in memphis, tn, involving myself and a very gung-ho cab driver
- sushi eaten with eugene and his friends - scrumptious
- atlanta, ga... hellish times, mixed with awesome times. met with winter - that was swell. in fact, i had a jolly good time. but otherwise. bleurgh... don't ask
- bus journey up to chicago... nice until indianapolis.. all the swanky people got off, and my human pillow (some dude i slept on) left so i had no comfort. fleeces rule.
- naperville, il - arrived to meet up with the awesome frank once more, with his good pal cindy...
- chicago, il - went to a science museum, discussed body slices, vibrators and george w bush....
- chicago, il - went for a bit of the old money spending with groovy jil... bought some swanky stuff, had a stellar time
- other good stuff, there you go... i will elaborate later on other things. for now i'm at frank's pad soaking up the atmosphere... with mike drago, king of cool, cindy, frank's pal, amy, banana lover and my good scottish self. ta ta... seeya later. email me if you want, if not, go shove a banana ...... :-p skeeter

Thursday, June 28, 2001

Still in Naperville... and it's still too awesome.

The people that I know here are so great... they are the life of their town, what makes it beat and I am so lucky to know them. Genuine people, no pretense, no acts. Kind people, who are great to hang out with. You could sit with these people in a white room with nothing in it, and have a great time, simply because they are good company.

Last night, Jill, Ernie, Mike Drago and the Man, Frank Lieu, came over to my pad ;-) (the days inn). We looked at some of my photos, had a chuckle about some things, thought about taking some more shower pictures, then headed to dunkin donuts for some coffee. At around 2am, we left, and I was left feeling pretty great, totally high on the good times.

This morning, I checked out of my Days Inn, got called "Buddy" by the guy at checkout, and then got picked up there by the awesome Ernie, who also took time to drive me to the kmart, to drop off some more film. Right now he's job hunting (good luck man!!) so hopefully he'll find something cool.

But what a fantastic time I'm having here... and it's totally because of the people. You all rock, Napervillians... ;-) and i'm sendin some skeetlove to ya all ;-) and take care all my blog readers (to all... 2 of you :Þ). Skeet.

Tuesday, June 26, 2001

Another amazing night was had... Frank, Jill, Ernie and myself went to a cool sort of wood... with a waterfall, walked across it, and after walking in the black night, went back to the car, where we got caught by a cop... and he took down my name and everyone elses... I thought I'd be hauled down the jail, passport demanded, my temporary visa taken from me and sent back to Scotland :-p scary.. but he said, oh... don't do it again. And then we headed to another dark wood... walked to a bridge, and just chilled at midnight. Awesome... and I didn't spend a single dollar.

My time here has been really really wonderful... each day completely different but so much fun. And I'm still in Naperville for three more days, but to give Frank some space after staying with him for a week (he's been so great! what a guy)... I'll be in the days in (hint, anyone want to do anything? get in touch :Þ). Then I head on to Champaign to meet with Sheila, and I'm out of the midwest after that... down to the south, where I'll spend some time, meet up with more people and... yeah. But hey, Naperville is like the best place for hanging out. A laid back place with excellent people. I enjoyed meeting every single person, and yeah... can't think of what else to say now. So, farewell for a bit... and when I get into Atlanta I can start updating again. Skeet.

Sunday, June 24, 2001

Okay... now I have a Google pagerank, I feel like updating! :) Woah, the last few days have been amazing.... amazingly good, fun, blurry, mad, crazy, awesome. So much fun compressed into so little time :) I've met the awesome Jennie Song!!! And that was a supercool experience, although it was like 2am ;-) at the stake n shake with the waitress who I was worried was about to faint! She got me to say "coffee" so many times. And I've met (and am staying with) the supersuave, superfriendly Frank of the whole Fate empire... one excellent guy... and his friends, who are all great people... too swell :)

I need a haircut though, it's annoying me as it is, it looks kinda wild and crazy if I try to spike it up. So I hope to get it cut today... but hey I've had one heck of a great time. Hey do you know how mad this has all been? Hanging out in an horrificly large supermarket at 3am ;-) hehe.... great there though. So here's kinda what I've done the last few days:

Day 1 - went to the fantastic art institute with people, then eat at Jimmy's mediteranian place... returned to Naperville and just hung out
Day 2 - blurry.... but I think that was the day I went with Jill to do some errands, had a cool time and she kinda got lost looking for a restaurant :):):) then later at night headed to oak park (that right?) and we got some great food and I got cheesecake after
Day 3 - had a superawesome day in Chicago with Jill, took the train went to the museum of contemporary art, then walked around and to Lake Michigan... it was such a sunny day and the water looked wonderful, a green blue I'd never saw before... I got a lot of photos.. and Jill insisted taking them of me on crazy chairs and sofas and next to a sculpture... and I hate having my picture taking :) but hey, it was cool. Then we headed to Navy Pier, went on the Ferris Wheel (woah, high up!!), and after that, got some food, went to the Cultural center, and headed back.. I fell asleep a little on the train, and got back to Frank's and collapsed... woke up at midnight and we headed to Meijer... the large supermarket, for a time, and had a great time, saw a supercool book - Getting Dirty with the Queen of Clean!!!
Day 4 - went with Frank for a wander and to take some video shots... met up with Mike Drago and had a great day, eat at the Olive Garden, and then watched Requiem for a Dream (amazing film.... loved it... gritty, kinda on the edge, but so superbly cool)

And there you go... an update..... :)

Thursday, June 21, 2001

i feel like updating this whilst i'm away is pointless... noone reads, i don't think... and i can't write like i'd be able to at home because of different keyboards and sometimes severe lack of time... but if i get anyone saying "woah, keep doing it" then i will, otherwise i'll wait until i get back home to write a huge thing, blah blah blah...... :-/
what a cool night last night.... didn't get back to Frank's until like 3.30 am... and I got to met the awesome Jennie!! that was too cool... although I was looking kinda wrecked and stuff, so she probably got a bad impression of me.

ahhhhhh i totally can't get used to these keyboards. so my back home writing promise is still there, but hey :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2001

doesn't it suck when almost everyone around you is finding love and you aren't... ahh.... I mean, yeah awesome for them, but i just wonder... why not me. *sigh*. That sucks deer penis, big time... but I'll not dwell on it, I'm obviously destined to be a monk. Or something else but hey, you play those crappy cards you are dealt. Having an awesome time in Chicago, Frank is such a great host and it just rocks here... went to the art institute today. I can honestly say some stuff there made me stand and find it hard to breath for a few moments.... definitely breathtaking, opening up some new views on life. Take care :) seeya.

Tuesday, June 19, 2001

Chicago, IL

arrived :) tired :-p

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

New York, NY

Woah.... amazing! As promised, a short entry to let you know where I am... in August, I'm writing the whole thing up. I'm staying on 44st, right next to times square. it's just.... ahhhhhhh. Awesome! but more when I reflect. I'm too... short on time and too not too awake! :-p (no sleep, no sleep)

Boston, MA

I loved Boston.... a friendly place, a beautiful place. Haha... what lame entries eh ;-) I promise... a whole site of my trip experiences. Remember I'm in internet cafes. In fact I'll have to write a book ;-)

Thursday, June 07, 2001

New York, NY

Hey people... does anyone actually read this? ;-) Sorry my updates on the road haven't been happening, but it's very difficult to get the right amount of time and a good keyboard to type things up with.

I've figured the best way will be short weekly updates, and when I get home, I'll type the whole thing up properly. There's so much to tell, so many emotions and experiences to get across, it would be silly to rush it.

Right now I'm in New York... on Broadway... heading to Boston soon, then back to NYC. Take care! And please email me.. I've had very little emails, which leaves me with no communication from people I know :) I can check them by phone, and I check every night *sigh* -- skeet.

Thursday, May 31, 2001

Washington, DC

Woah... it took a LONG TIME to get here, but hey... I am now here! This keyboard is to awkward to type on, so I'll do it when I reach my next city :) It's awesome, but my journey details will take a while to type up. And this keyboard just won't let me. Noone emailing me? :( skeet.

Monday, May 28, 2001

hey everybody... yup, my LAST regular entry... I'm heading off on my trip, but each week I'll try my best to update this thing, and let you all know where i am... and you can email me, or leave me voice mail (see previous entry) and i'll pick it up :)

woah, my last night... but my apologies to anyone for my continued trip talk! ahhhh it's just... something that i can't not talk about ;-) I met up with Paul today in Starbucks... had an awesome time, he's a great friend, great to talk to. Although my non stop talking probably made him think i was insane :) I have a sore throat now... i can really blether when i try.

*yawn* i'm reeeeeally sleepy now, and there's not much else to say but FAREWELL :-) And Keep readin the blog, because each week I'll be updating. Hey... HUGE thanks to Eugene for mentioning me.. that's too cool. LATER EVERYBODY! AND TAKE GOOD CARE!!!! AND EMAIL MEEEEE :-P Skeet.

Sunday, May 27, 2001

be sure to check out rice: it rocks.
well hey... this is my second last regular entry before i leave for my trip. tuesday morning, i'm outta here... heading down to london, then staying overnight in a nice hotel, catching my flight to washington on wednesday. i'll be updating weekly, though.. or more frequently if i find a lot of computers ;-) ... with details of how my trip is going :)

for those of you who don't know, i'm doing a 66 day trip in the usa... going by greyhound buses around america, and visiting washington dc, boston, new york, philadelphia, chicago, atlanta, denver, san diego, san francisco and seattle :-) i can't wait to get it all started... it's pretty exciting. :) so hey, when i'm on my trip, you can contact me anytime by email - or call up my voicemail account - 1-800 MY YAHOO, and my mailbox number is 643 643 1234.... I'll pick up daily :) I can also hear my emails from it. skeet.

Saturday, May 26, 2001

you know i'm feeling much better again today :) Thanks to the support from my friends, especially paul... stayed up until 4am chatting. i'm getting back to my old self again, i think it was probably just one major glitch in that whole docking sequence, or whatever i said :-p

ah well, i'm going to try and catch up on that sleep later today. this is like my third last full day before i head off... woah. later. skeet.

Friday, May 25, 2001

can you believe some people are buying blogger tshirts... ahh, actually, whatever turns them on i suppose. heck, why do we buy anything. *sigh* i feel strange today, disconnected from the world, unsure of purpose, strangled by complicated stuff, which i won't bother to go into :) but heck that's just life isn't it... sometimes we feel totally engaged with life, docked in its meaning docking bay, totally gone through the airlock (thanks paul for the space help).. and others, we're floating around, just... in nothingness... unsure why, unsure how, unsure where we'll get to, no hope, blah.

i'm sure i'll be docked in again pretty shortly, but for now, i guess i'll make the most of floating about. am i talking complete crap here? thought so... but hey. could be worse, i'm just thinking too much. went downtown today, bought some shit for my trip... no, not that kinda shit... like, batteries and film, and cds, and shampoo :Þ had a bad stomache ache today, wanted to cut it out to relieve the pain, didn't though ;) anyways, enough of mah bitchin & whinin.. today is a good day, so they say, so we'll make the most, pass me some toast. skeet.

Thursday, May 24, 2001

*yawn* i'm so sleepy... almost fell asleep when i was watching frasier. i'm going to go to bed at 8pm tonight... yes... eight pee em. :Þ i'm crazy, yup, but i seriously need the sleep (and psst.. sheila.. you need to get more sleep too! ;)). It's been an uneventful day... started packing though. which makes the trip seem eeeeven more closer. put all my books away in my bag, so that's that sorted out. woooooooo! vacation just around the corner ;-) hehe. well, it's just a short update for now. then i'm away to zzzzz land. after a boiling hot bath (yeah, boiling... so hot it peels the skin off! ha!). i love them... just to lie then are feel boiled, burned, listening to ac/dc.. helps you sleep as well.. the body temperature gets raised, and then when i come back into my chilled room, it'll drop, relaxing me, making me sleepy :) skeet.
Many thanks to the awesome Eugene for mentioning me and my blog on his linkage page... hehe, and this is especially for you man:

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

ahhh goodness.. there's a show on channel four right now.. supposed to be a real life thing, showing the life of the people in bad areas and council estates in the UK... it's so noisy and rude.. yuck... but really good, well done etc... :)

okay... later :-p ya i'm bored
in primary school (for you US people, that was when i was like... 4 years old to 11 years old) we used to sing a song at the end of each year... and it never actually meant anything until i had to leave for high school, but it's such a great song, that helps with transitions :) I don't even remember the words except:

"one more step along the world i go, one more step along the world i go, from the old things to the new, keep me travellin along with you".

ahh, the words already bring me comfort :) i'm reminded that getting away from the old things isn't really bad... but good. no, i'm not talking about my trip.. i mean life in general. now, i'm grown up, ready to make decisions for myself, manage my life. it's scary, but great, very liberating... and although i have no idea where my life is going to go, well hey that's fine, because i think that as a person, i can cope quite well in steering myself onto the best path for me :-)

don't drugs suck :-\ ahhh... yet again someone i know (well, bah, knew) has gone onto drugs... but not even anything soft. like heroin or some shit. stupid dick. i don't get the whole thing... why do people even want to mess with it. when i was 15, i knew a girl who overdosed, died... could easily happen to anyone. ahhhhh . :-( not much i can say really, but that's depressing. right now my weird neighbors are ploughing their... gravel!??! yeah... idiots... and annoying me. i'm fighting back though, with loud music... black sabbath is away to go on.. haha.. yup, on now... hehe. later. skeet.
wow, my room is a mess. i guess i better clean it up before i leave. :-\ ah well.. i'm feeling really bored right now, i hate how time can pass so slowly. and i'm feeling ever so slightly nervous about my upcoming trip.. not much, i just keep thinking i'll get lost ;-)

i'm pretty sure a lot of my friends have forgotten i'm going... haven't saw them in a while, and i can't get in touch with most :( so i guess my bon voyage thing won't be happening... but hey that's life. woah... right now i got a weird feeling, like.. a sinking feeling. yuck. skeet.
how cool is paul, for the cool things he says... how cool is sheila, for the cool things she says, and for the awesome logos she makes... and how cool is frank, for mentioning me in his blog! and how cool are all the people i know on aim. makes me smile... big big smile :) hehe

exactly a week from now, i'll be waiting in heathrow airport on my flight to washington... hours after that, i'll be there... in the usa... ready to take on the country! hehe. i can't wait... but of course there's a lot i'm going to miss about being home. tv, sleep, AIM, and my awesome friends from my hometown.

can't think of anything else now.. i'll write more later. yay. and hey, if you get a min why not email me? i woke up to no emails :( hehe..skeet.

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

okay, today sucked. no, not like a dyson. not even like a whore. it sucked like a blowfish. ahh. so yeah, it was a nice day... the sun was out, and the way the light caught the trees and shone on the sidewalks, it reminded me of a nice sunny florida day (haha, maybe a slight exaggeration). Then I got in town, and finally got my hair cut... i had to go to this different place, though... called "City Barbers". i should have known by the title what i was in for. a peroxide blonde woman pulled me over to an old chair, stuck a sheet over me, then got out her clippers which had a smell like turpentine. after 2 minutes, she got out this pink gooey yucky hairgel, which smelled so rancid.. and i had to walk about town with it on my head. never again.

but hey, that's my haircut done, and i'm glad. i hate getting them. and so i reached home, suddenly got a headache (really, really throbbing)... and a stomach ache. so i went to bed, and slept for 5 or 6 hours. and now i just feel weird, slightly discombobulated, and ahh.... i hate my headache.

a great thought however, is that a week today I'll be in London, ready to leave for Washington DC.. yay! it totally can't come soon enough. i've never wanted to get out of this town so badly... but hey there's a few people here (you know who you are :Þ) who i'm going to really miss... the true friends. talking of that, hey paul, if you're reading, i bought that CD today :) awesome stuff... i won't mention it here for the risk of letting anyone know the name of a cool band ;-) hehe i'm so childish.

i want to tell all you people out there, please take some time out of your busy life to read frank's blog... it's great, as ever. it's been a while since i plugged it in my own blog, so i've done that now. it's always been one of my absolute favorite reads... even though it makes me sigh, because i realise i could never match the writing :) later people... skeet.

Sunday, May 20, 2001

apologies for the guestbook being unavailable for a while. this has now been fixed.

Saturday, May 19, 2001

so yeah.... i paid google big bucks to promote my blog. that's not all. i've got deals cooking with bus companies in every major US city, and also in London and Paris to advertise it on the side of their buses, a big picture of me grinning with my url. and hey, i went a bit further still, and i'm getting a huge ad on a YoSkeet screen in times square... also, signing a huge deal with NBC to sponsor major shows. :Þ nah ok.... maybe i just paid google $8 for a few hits... ;-) but is that bad.

gets me thinking - how far would you go to promote your blog? why do we write them, and spend time getting people to visit. i get a buzz every time i look at the statistics and see some new readers and referring urls :-) hehe... makes me feel alive, which means i have a sad life! ;-)

hey, cool thought - next week is my last week in the United Kingdom! for 2 months. Tue 29 May I leave here for London, to go catch my flight to Washington DC :-) Look out USA! Lock up your daughters! Lock up your wives! Skeet's comin ;-) :Þ I'm getting 2 excited... I'm craving adventure sooo that's good. I'm away on a little walkabout later today... get some exercise. Maybe i'll do some late night walking too. Just take some good music and roam. :-) skeet.

"Freedom... talkin about freedom... don't you want freedom for everybody? this is the time for liberation... Freedom! Don't you want freedom for your children? This is a day of celebration... so come on! Let's celebrate! I said let's celebrate! We're gonna celebrate! Oh yeah!!"

Friday, May 18, 2001

heyyyyyyyyyy you awesome people! hahaha! ;-) i'm in another good mood... grr that's just not good ;-) apart from playing some air guitar to ac dc, and gettin freaky with amigos from around the world, it's pretty booooooooorrrring.... i need to get out and swing, yeah baby swing ;-)

hehe.... can you believe our Deputy Prime Minister (that's like vice president, for you americans) punched a campaigner... hehe.. awesome! See, a man threw an egg at our Deputy PM, and he fought back, delivering a good whack to the guy under the chin... hehe. British Politics are always exciting, never boring and we have a really rowdy lot in London ;-)

What a fine song on right now.... lyrics are "let me cover you with oil"... I think anyway... great eh! Wonderful even ;-) I think today I'll have a rock day, playing loadsa cds and jumping on my bed playin some air guitar, with the window wide open to annoy my stuffy neighbors. I'm just a dude of mischief lately. hahahhahahahhaha. later, you nice ppl. Love SKEEEEEETERRRR.

Thursday, May 17, 2001

Check out this post on the fateboard. Can you relate? I think you can ;-)
i'm in a great mood today... got up, had a nice breakfast and stuck on def leppard... not sure what to do today, though. and argh, i really cannot think of interesting entries these days. but hey, i guess you have the pictures to look at :) and the awesome sites on the left. (do you ever have to look at your hands when you type left or right to remember which is which? i do... although i remember port and starboard so easily, so maybe i should use that! :Þ) Hey only 12 days until I leave for my trip... yyaaaayy!!!!!!!!! ;-) :-) :-)

"Make love like a man, i'm a man, that's what i am
All you girls round the world...
Lookin' for a guy who's a real go getter, yeah
Every guy grab a girl
Love her like a man, make her feel a lot better, yeah

Wednesday, May 16, 2001

take a look at the weblog of kaycee... she passed away on the 14th after a long fight against luekemia at 19 years old. a wonderfuly strong girl whose love and zeal for life is a lesson to us all. and be sure to take a look at her writings.
Well, let me tell you 'bout the way she looks,
the way she acted, the color of her hair.
Her voice was soft and cool,
Her eyes were clear and bright but she's not there.
But it's too late to say you're sorry.
How would I know, why should I care?
Please, don't bother tryin' to find her,
she's not there.

hrmm i wanna get out and do something wyld.. i'm getting restless until i leave for my trip :) huge thanks to sheila who designed the new logo for this blog.... it's exactly what it needed!

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

ever had one of those conversations where you are told.. "ask me anything.... i mean, *anything*..". Hrmm.... ugh... it sucks. I mean come on, you know exactly what they are wanting you to ask... one of the greatest upsides and downsides to the internet... some people don't care if they start coming on to you. there's just a screen, so i guess they think what the heck. :-\ or maybe it's just to do with this generation being incredibly horny. (Thanks to Jennie for helping me spell incredibly at this early hour.)

i had a strange dream last night... i mean, i was having a conversation with this family of zebras. so weird. i think it was because the night before me and paul were talking about them... and all other wonderful things beginning with Z .. hehe.... and thanks to sheila for all her info on scholarships! :) . later. skeet love.

Monday, May 14, 2001

fed up
alright... after hours of waiting for blogger to get up and running, my new blog is finally here... a design i'm more happy with. Now, I know it's nothing spectacular... wasn't meant to be... but it's easy to update, there's an about me page, and it's easy to add new features.
stupid blogger
ahh I cannot seem to get the design for this darn blog right.... grr

Wednesday, May 09, 2001

I'm listening the the most beautiful album I've heard in a while. I got the advance CD this morning from those nice people at Capitol Records - Sparklehorse "It's a wonderful life". Lovely. This morning my airline tickets came in the mail, so I'm all set now to leave on May 30, very exciting!! Sometimes I feel like shouting out Zing! to express the joy ;-)

I never realised how much I love ER... that show is awesome. They are showing repeats each morning on Channel Four, two episodes a day, back to back. A great show, which always has the capability of being painfully touching and with sincere acting and wholesome storylines, I'd have to say it's up there with my favorite shows. God bless Channel Four. I love that channel, they show everything I love.

Over here in the good old UK, it's election time... campaigns have started and that strange man of the opposition William Hague is looking so awful, thinking he can actually win. If he does, the country is in for a terrible time. Labour rule! ya! ;) Actually they do - swell party, certainly have made my family much better off. Okay enough politics for today! And enough of me for today hehe... well maybe I'll write more later. take care y'all. skeet.

Tuesday, May 08, 2001

There's really nothing quite as sad as what is happening in my town. The so called "skanks" and the "moshers" are joining together to create a new supergroup, which as of yet has no name, but I am officially giving them one - the Wannabe PunkGothRocker Assholes. I'm not just making an uninformed judgment on these people, but I know a lot of them, who were previously into Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls and other pop bands... who told me when I expressed my love of rock music, "oh why do you listen to that crap, I cannae stand it".

And now they are all into it... not for the love of the music, I suspect. And along with their new "love" of punk, rock and metal music comes their fashion... the Slipknot tops (which gives away their terrible music taste anyway, so you ask yourself can they really like some of the best bands that ever came to be, when they are promoting the sick, awful Slipknot). Then you get the people with the Korn tops... but hey, whatever one was in the shop at the time is what they buy, I guess :Þ

And how sad to visit the music stores and see racks of Slipknot and Korn tops... how very, very sad. Somehow, wearing the tops is supposed to make them look really rawkin', cuz they are badass ppl. blah what fools. But hey, this is just my opinion and I don't intend to offend, it's just the whole situation in my hometown is very depressing. It's impossible to have a good Saturday in downtown Dundee anymore without seeing all these horrible people give you death stares under their black makeup and nail polish.

But anyways, on to something a little more lighthearted and frothy. My love life... non existant of course, but I feel love which I haven't felt since November 2000 and it's yuck. I don't like thinking I may be in love, because it brings too much heartache pain and frustration. But I have my needs, which need to be addressed. I'm not going to address them, though... bah.

Booked up my first week of my 66 day road trip.. in Washington DC, my starting point, I have everything set. Also, I have my Greyhound bus pass ordered, and my flight tickets are in the post... it's all so definite, so scary and so exhilerating. Only thing is I'm going to miss all my awesome friends! But 66 days after, I'll be back, so there ya go. I hope to see a bunch of my US pals when I'm there, so just remember to drop me a line I'm passing your way (DC, NC, GA, IL, MN, WA, CA etc ;)). Well, I'm off now... stay loose. SkeeT Love.

Monday, May 07, 2001

I'm such a weird guy... take tonight. First of all, I started off very, very happy, feeling great, for reasons I won't mention, then I got into a psychedelic chilled mood, and now I'm just kinda depressed... can't shake it off, grr. I just feel like life is standing still for me until May 30.. like I'm just stuck here with nothing going on. Then there's love... I know I always said before I wasn't really needing anyone, but oh goodness that's changed. Noone to hug, be with, and it's really getting me down. And I doubt I ever will find anyone, I've been told I'm too difficult to know.

I'd like to say hey to the coolest dude i know, Paul ... he's been mentioned in this blog before, but such a swell friend cannot go without a mention for long. I'm really, really pleased and lucky to know this guy! There's over six billion people in the world and so few of them are genuine, but he is, along with some other great people I know... and whilst I'm giving shout outs, hey to Jennie who is great to talk to, ahn young! and to Grace, what a groovy chick, we suffered Frau Nimmo's German class together a year or two ago... then to Frank with the awesome message board (come on, if you read this post there why don't you... exams no excuse ;) nah.. but yeah post :)) And hey to Eugene who I just linked to today, because I never realised his blog swinged like it does :)

I can't even take music anymore tonight... tried but my head got sore. Music is the one thing that usually shifts me away from feelin depressed but I don't have that... not until tomorrow. I think before I go to sleep I'll put a frasier video on and just be cheered up slightly by that then drift off.

What a feeling though... like I'm just stuck in some thing for 23 days... I really need to get out some more. Ahh to sip coffee in starbucks, it makes you feel alive. I'm off now, but I hope you all take good care. I know most of you who read this, and the people who are reading this new blog right now are the coolest people in the world! You all rock, and have a great day! Plus, to all those with exams coming up, like Paul, Jennie, Ferg, Sheila, and all the rest of you (did I forget you? well email me and tell me.. :Þ). Love Skeet.
Got the domain all registered, there we go :) Another new design, another address.. but this one is a permanent address. At least until I can't afford the hosting costs anymore ;-)

Got my flights all booked... did I mention that? I leave on 30 May, woo. Not much else has been going on, pretty boring week actually compared to last week. Made the most of it, just chilling, talking to friends online. Ahh. Anyways, more later. Skeet.

Thursday, May 03, 2001

I went into town, waited on someone for 35 minutes, was stood up. Life sucks eh. So then I went and walked home... a horrible day. Plus I wasted my bus money into town.

Oh well.
What a hectic week it's been. And I'm exhausted... but it's been a good week. Most importantly, I've been realising who my true friends are, which is pretty awesome. And I've realised those who are my true friends, being so awesome, make me one of the luckiest people in the world :-)

I totally can't think what to write about.. that's bad. I guess there's too much, and I haven't had much sleep. I felt I had to write though, since it really has been a long time. Right now I'm waiting on some deliveries... and they are taking quite a while. I ordered some books... most importantly, Walden... can't wait to read it. SkeeT. More later.

Thursday, April 26, 2001

Well I'm back from town... had quite a boring time actually, although I always enjoy observing some of the local folk ;) Hrmm, but when I went into Virgin (I bought a Def Leppard cd and a Santana double cd) some guy was following me about the store, everywhere I went... giving me a weird look. Oh well, grr.

So then I went to Waterstones the bookstore, and got a huge book - The Rise And Fall of the Third Reich. :) What a nice bookstore... they serve coffee, it's so cozy and the staff are wonderful. In that town center, it's an escape from all the wacky people.

Well, I soon got bored so I walked home instead of taking the bus. Passed the university and saw some nice girls :) One had a wollen hat, and looked like such a sweet gurl. Ah well. So I'm heading towards Balgay Park to get home, and there's a guy and girl about 18 passing me... he stops with her, grabs her and gives her some huge stupid kiss thing... right in front of me. Why!? Do I have " I am single, rub it in" written on me? Ohhhh well. I reached home, put on the Def Leppard CD and here I am now. bah. SkeeT.
Wow, it's been a while since I updated! I apologise... things have gotten hectic, and I guess time hasn't been very abundant. I hope you are all doing well, those who read this :) I'm heading into town in ten minutes, so I'm just writing a short entry. I really don't know what to say :) I'm going on this trip soon, so I'll be switching this to my travelogue... then I'll have plenty to say.

You know a sad fact about life. A lot of people you know will leave you in a heartbeat as soon as they get accepted by some cooler people. And that's completely true. Heck, I have to ask myself the question of what *I* would do if say the coolest people in the world asked me to chill with them. That's tricky, because I realise I'm as much of a lameass weak guy as everyone else.

Recently I've been reading up on WWII... I don't know why, but ever since Channel 4 put up their Science and the Swastika documentaries, I've been hooked - I might even buy some book or video today about it. God, I cannot believe Hiltler was responsible for the murder of like 5 million innocent Jews. Why oh why. How could he be so evil? So unresponsible and wicked to kill them, and also to get his SS doctors to "experiment" on them. It just makes me so sick. Oh well, if nothing else we learned a lesson, too bad it came at the expense of so many valuable lives. But even recently shit like that has still gone on. Oh yeah, the UN and NATO have tried to stop it all, but people were still killed. One good thing, however, is the recent arrest or whatever of Milosovic. Hopefully he can pay for his crimes, unlike Hitler who just killed himself.

Oh well... my bus will be here soon so I better get out of here. love & lemonhugz from your lazy blogger Skeet. (PS - Go check out Jennie and Frank's blogs to the right because they are updated with awesome content and should be read by the world :))

Thursday, April 19, 2001

It's been a while since I last posted, but honestly, I've been so drained of energy, just typing out some thoughts would be a task. But, I'm writing tonight, so there ya go. Man, I'm really tired.. feel like just snoozing right now.

I've been helping Frank set up his message board tonight. Look out for the link on his site tomorrow, I think. It's a real cozy, friendly place... so you will just fit in right away in the comfy surroundings, and you can enjoy the convivial atmosphere.

My room is a mess. I really should tidy it up, but the stuff there is stuff I need, so maybe not. I'm away to chill out some more now. take care. skeet.

Sunday, April 15, 2001

"You know, you're right! There's a whole world of vermin out there." - Caller to Dr Crane

Hehe. I love that. Well, it's been a few days. I'm a bad boy. Okay, so I've been living a bit more actively the last few days and so have had less time. I had a great dream last night, which I'm sure you don't want to hear about, but here it is anyway.

I was going to some thing... I think it may have been a dance. Well, it probably was, because this girl there grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the dance floor. At first I was a little nervous, I mean I've never tried to dance before, but it just came naturaly. And I was hot. I was the Dance Man! Hehe. It was a very fun dream.

Well things couldn't really be much better at the moment. I've sorted my thoughts out, rearranged my priorities and I must say I'm very happy. Add into that AC/DC, which I listen to *a lot*, you have the Old Skeet, back to my jolly self ;) Okay, maybe it's the caffiene as well, but it's all good.

Right now I have AC/DC on in my ear, and oh my goodness they are wyld. Rawkin doesn't begin to describe it. I gotta get me a cd walkman for this trip so I can listen to the music as I go around the US. Without music... argh. Okay, well, I'm talking crap now so I shall end this and say have a great week. Remember - YeeeeeeeeeeeeOW! Lock up your daughters! Lock up your wife! Because the man is back in town! hehehehehhe. I'm getting carried away with the music. SkeeT Love.

Thursday, April 12, 2001

Well, I have all my money ready for the trip, just need to wait on my credit card coming, then book the flight arrange insurance and head off (as my town sighs with relief!). Had an awesome day. AC/DC really are something else... pure brilliance. Ahhh. Hey, something else was cool - I found my tape with "Girl You Really Got Me" by the Kinks! It's awesome!

Well, not much to say right now. I've worn myself out today! Need som relaxation! woooo. Pi gwun hae (that's for you, Jennie!). But it's early so I'll have a nice bath then chill out with Frasier. I'm feeling very Spanish today - looked myself in the mirror and said "Hola". Hehe. Well I was on a bit of a caffiene high, so that could explain it. Not long until I set off for the great journey! Yay! A lot of people I know, if reading, I just know they will be throwing a private Yay! party to celebrate the fact ;-) Hehe. I'm still a bit nervous though! Ahhhhhh. Hehe not that much anymore. I have to just jump in with both feet. SkeeT Love! =:¬Þ

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

I'm feeling good today. No, not just good, but awesome. I think I've gotten over that brief depression period, with a lot of thanks to some and no thanks to some others. And I guess it's those some who have been responsible for changing my mood - you all will know who you are, and I mentioned you in a previous update, so many thanks goes out to you! :) You were there for me which is just too nice of you all. :)

Today I'd like to dedicate a paragraph to a good friend of mine, Ally Wilson. In fact, he's more than a good friend, he is like up there with the best of the people I know. He was in my Chemistry class in 1999-2000. We probably hit it off right away! And after talking for a while I knew this guy was cool. These days, we can talk about absolutely anything. And I mean anything... with a lot of people some things have to be handled well and some feelings kept inside, but with Ally you can let it all flow, even if the statement is so out there, you say it to anyone else and they will call the doctors! Hehe, Ally will know what I mean. And recently I spent the whole night chatting to him, which made the night pass with such fierce pace and we both saw in the morning with the birds chirping at the same time :) Also, whenever we take a trip to Starbucks, we can chat for hours on end, even if we end up freaking out the people on the table next to us with the names of S Club 7. Hehe. Anyway, there you have it - Ally Wilson. Tomorrow, I may turn the spotlight on another awesome friend. :)

I had Twist and Shout on today, and in the afternoon played it again and danced around the house to it. Didn't follow Ferg's recommendation however, to grab a hairbrush! Hehehe. It was fun however, and I realised I can really party when I have to. Lol. Yeah - dancing to the Troggs... what a swell day!!! :) But it has been. And getting better because I think I'm now comfortably satisfied with where my life is going and I've put things that were hurtful to me in the past behind me for now, thanks to excellent advice from Jennie, Ferg, Paul, Ally and also a big boost from an email I got from Frank. You all are too cool. :) And I can't thank everyone who has been so great to me enough. You were there when others wern't and pulled me out of that sucking pit of despair. I'm away to go get more coffee now then put on some AC/DC and just get wyld. Hehe. Yes, I am mad!!! SkeeT Love!!!!!!!!!!! :Þ

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

A Travel Update

It wasn’t too long ago I was relatively happy with the city I’m in. Content with my surroundings, the people and generally with life. That was 1999. What happened? Well, I was at high school, had a good number of friends, and was out almost every minute of the day. Then things went wrong somewhere.

And since then, it’s been a pretty mediocre existence. Not much of a social life and limited fun. So I thought to myself that I had to change this somehow. And my upcoming US coast-to-coast trip is the result of boredom and making a joke with Keri about the Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota.

The plans are going quite smoothly so far. Starting in glorious Boston for a few days to get myself prepared. Then travelling by bus (Jennie must think I’m quite the fool!) to New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, North and South Carolina, then Georgia to meet up with Winter and others for a bit.

After I’ve gotten as far as the South, it is back North again to Chicago, where I plan to spend 4-6 days in the city I’ve heard so many wonderful tales about. After that, it’s heading to the North West, through various states and ending up in Seattle, Washington, my favorite city of all-time, to stay for a few weeks and soak in the Seattle Culture and scene.

After my time in Seattle, it will be time to get back to Boston, coming back through the North, passing through whatever may be there. Owww. (Sorry, listening to AC/DC and they went “Owww” and I felt like that kind of summed it all up.) The trip will last from one month to three months, depending on my money situation. I want to enjoy America, so I’m not going to be rushing it.

However much fun it will be however, I must admit I’m a little nervous about such a big solo journey. After it’s all over, though, I’ll have so many new tales, memories and experiences under my belt. It’s going to be so worthwhile. I feel like grabbing a banjo and writing a song about the whole thing.

I need to start arranging the music I’ll be taking along. I have to pack lightly, so whatever I do bring with me has to be quality music to both inspire and entertain, but on as few tapes as possible. I’m thinking a mix of Soundgarden, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Less Then Jake, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Aerosmith. It will be the ultimate music collection for being on the road and to enjoy my freedom with. And there you have it. Seeya. SkeeT Love.

Sunday, April 08, 2001

Who would have thought you could become such close friends with someone you thought despised you in high school. Yeah, I mean you Paul :Þ But it's the most unlikely thing, and the person I thought hated me, thought I was a freak turns out to be a great guy who is totally on my level and awesome to talk to. Life is so unpredictable.

I've been feeling a little unfilfilled by some friendships lately. In fact, got really hurt by it all. Ah I guess everyone just goes through a stage where they kindof forget other people's feelings. I have to send out huge thanks to the awesome people who have been great to me recently, cheering me up and just making me feel wanted. Jennie, Ferg, Ally, Paul - you have all been there for me and it's much appreciated! And also, I was talking to Frank today, and had a pretty cool short conversation. First AIM convo actually! Which is even cooler.

Had some wonderful e-mails from my great friend Winter today... she's in Georgia and we met in 98, and will meet once more some time in May. I can't wait. A truly special friend, like all of you! :) I hope you are all doing great, so take care, and SkeeT love to ya :)