Saturday, May 19, 2001

so yeah.... i paid google big bucks to promote my blog. that's not all. i've got deals cooking with bus companies in every major US city, and also in London and Paris to advertise it on the side of their buses, a big picture of me grinning with my url. and hey, i went a bit further still, and i'm getting a huge ad on a YoSkeet screen in times square... also, signing a huge deal with NBC to sponsor major shows. :Þ nah ok.... maybe i just paid google $8 for a few hits... ;-) but is that bad.

gets me thinking - how far would you go to promote your blog? why do we write them, and spend time getting people to visit. i get a buzz every time i look at the statistics and see some new readers and referring urls :-) hehe... makes me feel alive, which means i have a sad life! ;-)

hey, cool thought - next week is my last week in the United Kingdom! for 2 months. Tue 29 May I leave here for London, to go catch my flight to Washington DC :-) Look out USA! Lock up your daughters! Lock up your wives! Skeet's comin ;-) :Þ I'm getting 2 excited... I'm craving adventure sooo that's good. I'm away on a little walkabout later today... get some exercise. Maybe i'll do some late night walking too. Just take some good music and roam. :-) skeet.

"Freedom... talkin about freedom... don't you want freedom for everybody? this is the time for liberation... Freedom! Don't you want freedom for your children? This is a day of celebration... so come on! Let's celebrate! I said let's celebrate! We're gonna celebrate! Oh yeah!!"

Friday, May 18, 2001

heyyyyyyyyyy you awesome people! hahaha! ;-) i'm in another good mood... grr that's just not good ;-) apart from playing some air guitar to ac dc, and gettin freaky with amigos from around the world, it's pretty booooooooorrrring.... i need to get out and swing, yeah baby swing ;-)

hehe.... can you believe our Deputy Prime Minister (that's like vice president, for you americans) punched a campaigner... hehe.. awesome! See, a man threw an egg at our Deputy PM, and he fought back, delivering a good whack to the guy under the chin... hehe. British Politics are always exciting, never boring and we have a really rowdy lot in London ;-)

What a fine song on right now.... lyrics are "let me cover you with oil"... I think anyway... great eh! Wonderful even ;-) I think today I'll have a rock day, playing loadsa cds and jumping on my bed playin some air guitar, with the window wide open to annoy my stuffy neighbors. I'm just a dude of mischief lately. hahahhahahahhaha. later, you nice ppl. Love SKEEEEEETERRRR.

Thursday, May 17, 2001

Check out this post on the fateboard. Can you relate? I think you can ;-)
i'm in a great mood today... got up, had a nice breakfast and stuck on def leppard... not sure what to do today, though. and argh, i really cannot think of interesting entries these days. but hey, i guess you have the pictures to look at :) and the awesome sites on the left. (do you ever have to look at your hands when you type left or right to remember which is which? i do... although i remember port and starboard so easily, so maybe i should use that! :Þ) Hey only 12 days until I leave for my trip... yyaaaayy!!!!!!!!! ;-) :-) :-)

"Make love like a man, i'm a man, that's what i am
All you girls round the world...
Lookin' for a guy who's a real go getter, yeah
Every guy grab a girl
Love her like a man, make her feel a lot better, yeah

Wednesday, May 16, 2001

take a look at the weblog of kaycee... she passed away on the 14th after a long fight against luekemia at 19 years old. a wonderfuly strong girl whose love and zeal for life is a lesson to us all. and be sure to take a look at her writings.
Well, let me tell you 'bout the way she looks,
the way she acted, the color of her hair.
Her voice was soft and cool,
Her eyes were clear and bright but she's not there.
But it's too late to say you're sorry.
How would I know, why should I care?
Please, don't bother tryin' to find her,
she's not there.

hrmm i wanna get out and do something wyld.. i'm getting restless until i leave for my trip :) huge thanks to sheila who designed the new logo for this blog.... it's exactly what it needed!

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

ever had one of those conversations where you are told.. "ask me anything.... i mean, *anything*..". Hrmm.... ugh... it sucks. I mean come on, you know exactly what they are wanting you to ask... one of the greatest upsides and downsides to the internet... some people don't care if they start coming on to you. there's just a screen, so i guess they think what the heck. :-\ or maybe it's just to do with this generation being incredibly horny. (Thanks to Jennie for helping me spell incredibly at this early hour.)

i had a strange dream last night... i mean, i was having a conversation with this family of zebras. so weird. i think it was because the night before me and paul were talking about them... and all other wonderful things beginning with Z .. hehe.... and thanks to sheila for all her info on scholarships! :) . later. skeet love.

Monday, May 14, 2001

fed up
alright... after hours of waiting for blogger to get up and running, my new blog is finally here... a design i'm more happy with. Now, I know it's nothing spectacular... wasn't meant to be... but it's easy to update, there's an about me page, and it's easy to add new features.
stupid blogger
ahh I cannot seem to get the design for this darn blog right.... grr