Friday, March 09, 2001

I hope you read my advice yesterday. I got a few emails thanking me for writing it, so I'm guessing you listened to me. Good. The question is, in day 2, are you still feeling motivated? I do hope so. Keep it burning, and instead of pondering over it, act on it. Don't think this is the last day that I'll be checking up on your progress in your new exciting life! I'm going to make sure I remind you at every chance :)

Because It's something we all need to do - spice our lives up. Who wants to live a boring life. Here's a thought: you do what other people want you to, and not what is in your heart... you keep saying "oh, one day I'll enjoy myself"... and that day comes. You never did anything, and you are too old to enjoy life anymore. You could be unable to do certain things due to health. If you keep doing exciting things, not only will you have fascinating stories to tell, but it can add years to your life! Think about it - if being happy, smiling, makes you live longer, then obvioulsy doing things that make you feel good, that you want to do, are going to make you smile! And thus, you live longer.

Am I just giving out this advice? Well, I'm trying to spice up my own life - and I'm open to suggestions! Go on, email me with what you think I should do, or take up, and we'll see! Hey, you can all join in :) We will live life to the full together.

On the life front, today was a good day. Didn't do all that much, because of a severe lack of cash, but next week I'll have money again, so I'll report back on anything exciting that I do. I was thinking of trying my hand at writing a book of some sorts today. Just for fun. We'll see.

Okay, that's my entry. I really want to hear from you all, so get writing me! And I hope you find my posts encouraging in your own lives. Get up! Do something! Before it's too late. Enjoy life. Be Happy! I love you all! SkeeT :)

Thursday, March 08, 2001

I've realised that myself, and many other people, have looked at the world negatively. Well, for me, I'm saying enough already. Because a little thinking has made me realise what in life really is good. Life really is a fantastic thing. Have a think about all the things we could do, all the little ways we could be happy. There's a lot! Personally, for me, spending time with friends, having a laugh, going to do some cool sports, it all makes me feel good. Life has a lot of bad points, yeah. But if we clear them out of our head, and not think about them too much, we can enjoy ourselves. Because if we aren't optimistic, and ready to enjoy life, we just can't squeeze every great thing from life.

Maybe we are a little down on life because we are used to routine. Many of you reading this probably live in dreary, boring towns. But that doesn't mean that the rest of the world is boring. Far from it. From lovely cold, mysterious places such as Alaska, to warm, tropical, exciting places like the Caribbean, or Hawaii. Then there's exciting cities... with people there who are vibrant, full of life, experiences and great to be with. There's places to go - movies, coffee houses, waterparks, malls! There's so much wonderful music to listen to, as well. If we live a varied, exciting life, we can enjoy every drop of awesomeness life has for us.

Some of us can feel depressed because our routines are boring. Here's a challenge for you: Shake it up! Go on, shake up your life, take bold leaps, do stuff you REALLY WANT TO DO! Have exciting times. Why waste life? You will only ever have one, and before you know it, you won't be able to enjoy yourself anymore. I am serious about this challenge. What is it you really want from life? Don't know? Give anything a shot - take a dance class, go learn salsa! Maybe take a trip, go meet some new people. But whatever you do, don't stay living a stale, boring exisitance. You really need to do what FEELS GOOD. And also, never what anyone else wants of you. For all those people who expect you to do certain things, be someone you don't feel comfortable being, tell them "blah". Life is good. Think positive. I love you all. I mean that.
Okay, so I said that the last design would probably be the last. But this time, I really mean it. Everything is how I want it now. Had an okay day - more relaxing. I didn't feel strange, or empty, or anything like that. Just did the new designed, watched some Frasier and ate :)

I'll probably add to this later on, but for now I want to get it online to see how it all looks. Love SkeeT :)

Wednesday, March 07, 2001

I woke up feeling refreshed - used these new mint products. Now I feel sluggish, though. I don't know why. Sometimes I don't really know what I'm wanting: one day, I hate living in my town, I want to move, the next day I want to stay. The walls of my room are getting really boring to look at day after day. I have some projects, but today they don't satisfy.

I have In Utero on at the moment. Ahh it's nice. Lately the only music to soothe my soul has been Soundgarden. I'm not sure why, but it satisfies everything I am needing from a song. Listening to Nirvana is amazing, but it's touching 80% of my soul, and I don't know why. As I was telling Allan the other day, I associate Nirvana's music with a bad time in my life. I associate music, tastes and smells with many events... and I can't seem to shake it off. For example, CK1's smell reminds me of second year of high school hell. The smell of CK Escape, however, reminds me of going to the mall in Marietta, Georgia. I suppose everyone feels like that.

An amazing thing is I'm not craving a relationship at the moment. I suppose that's good. Usually I'd be thinking about loads of people and my mind almost near point of explosion, it's pretty crappy. However, I don't feel like that. I'm single, happy, free. I'm devoting more time to friends, and when you have good friends, who needs anyone else!

It's hard to realize you don't know what you are looking for in life. I am complicated, it takes certain things at different times to satisfy me. And when I don't know, I feel empty, numb, useless. I suppose I feel pretty useless today. I shouldn't, but that's just how it is. The world gets me down - cruel, nasty. You just want to scream.

I'll finish off this entry now. It's great writing to you folks, even though what I say is a pile of goatshit. Take care, y'all. Love SkeeT.
So I've redesigned my weblog yet again. I think this will be the last time, though. This one fits me better... easy to update, a nice clear layout with a splash of color.

Had a good day. CDs bought, etc. Have you ever wondered why some people have the ability to be so cruel? Take the San Diego shooting - what was the guy trying to achieve? I heard he was bullied... okay I used to be way back in early years of high school, but I dealt with it in other calm ways. Maybe his craving for revenge was that bad - I could understand how hurt he could have felt. Seeing other people having great lives, and realizing they didn't like him, that he could never be a part of anything that would feel good, and feel warm from the feeling of acceptance. So his bitter thoughts maybe were to eliminate the people causing him pain. Surely we have all had thoughts similar, but would never act on them, because we know it is totally wrong. Could it be his hurt was that bad? Or did he just have something wrong with him, psychologically. Sometimes hurt can drive us mad, but that mad?

Then there's other people who can hurt without killing. They hurt us so much with their actions. The girls who flirt, make you feel like they are after you, then crush you by not having any interest. Okay, they have self-esteem issues. They need to do that to reassure themselves they are not worthless. It's funny - the prettier the girl, the more reassurance they need. I can't figure that out, personally. Others hurt you by turning their backs on you. One minute you are great friends, the next they ignore you. What is it in some humans that they can just disregard us, our feelings and make us feel bad. Perhaps they think they are too good... again, self-esteem issues. They think they need to better themselves, to get more "cool" people. Well, that's my thoughts on people, and how they hurt us.

A friend of mine, Mandy, wrote a touching piece the other day about her aunt who died of cancer. Her message to us was to live life, to get out there, to fulfill our dreams. I'd like to say that too. Take note - life is great. But we never know how long we will have it for. Enjoy every moment. Do what feels right for you, and never do anything you don't want to. Get rid of pressure, and go with the good times. Love Skeet. (Yo Allan ur very cool.)