Thursday, April 12, 2001

Well, I have all my money ready for the trip, just need to wait on my credit card coming, then book the flight arrange insurance and head off (as my town sighs with relief!). Had an awesome day. AC/DC really are something else... pure brilliance. Ahhh. Hey, something else was cool - I found my tape with "Girl You Really Got Me" by the Kinks! It's awesome!

Well, not much to say right now. I've worn myself out today! Need som relaxation! woooo. Pi gwun hae (that's for you, Jennie!). But it's early so I'll have a nice bath then chill out with Frasier. I'm feeling very Spanish today - looked myself in the mirror and said "Hola". Hehe. Well I was on a bit of a caffiene high, so that could explain it. Not long until I set off for the great journey! Yay! A lot of people I know, if reading, I just know they will be throwing a private Yay! party to celebrate the fact ;-) Hehe. I'm still a bit nervous though! Ahhhhhh. Hehe not that much anymore. I have to just jump in with both feet. SkeeT Love! =:¬Þ

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

I'm feeling good today. No, not just good, but awesome. I think I've gotten over that brief depression period, with a lot of thanks to some and no thanks to some others. And I guess it's those some who have been responsible for changing my mood - you all will know who you are, and I mentioned you in a previous update, so many thanks goes out to you! :) You were there for me which is just too nice of you all. :)

Today I'd like to dedicate a paragraph to a good friend of mine, Ally Wilson. In fact, he's more than a good friend, he is like up there with the best of the people I know. He was in my Chemistry class in 1999-2000. We probably hit it off right away! And after talking for a while I knew this guy was cool. These days, we can talk about absolutely anything. And I mean anything... with a lot of people some things have to be handled well and some feelings kept inside, but with Ally you can let it all flow, even if the statement is so out there, you say it to anyone else and they will call the doctors! Hehe, Ally will know what I mean. And recently I spent the whole night chatting to him, which made the night pass with such fierce pace and we both saw in the morning with the birds chirping at the same time :) Also, whenever we take a trip to Starbucks, we can chat for hours on end, even if we end up freaking out the people on the table next to us with the names of S Club 7. Hehe. Anyway, there you have it - Ally Wilson. Tomorrow, I may turn the spotlight on another awesome friend. :)

I had Twist and Shout on today, and in the afternoon played it again and danced around the house to it. Didn't follow Ferg's recommendation however, to grab a hairbrush! Hehehe. It was fun however, and I realised I can really party when I have to. Lol. Yeah - dancing to the Troggs... what a swell day!!! :) But it has been. And getting better because I think I'm now comfortably satisfied with where my life is going and I've put things that were hurtful to me in the past behind me for now, thanks to excellent advice from Jennie, Ferg, Paul, Ally and also a big boost from an email I got from Frank. You all are too cool. :) And I can't thank everyone who has been so great to me enough. You were there when others wern't and pulled me out of that sucking pit of despair. I'm away to go get more coffee now then put on some AC/DC and just get wyld. Hehe. Yes, I am mad!!! SkeeT Love!!!!!!!!!!! :Þ

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

A Travel Update

It wasn’t too long ago I was relatively happy with the city I’m in. Content with my surroundings, the people and generally with life. That was 1999. What happened? Well, I was at high school, had a good number of friends, and was out almost every minute of the day. Then things went wrong somewhere.

And since then, it’s been a pretty mediocre existence. Not much of a social life and limited fun. So I thought to myself that I had to change this somehow. And my upcoming US coast-to-coast trip is the result of boredom and making a joke with Keri about the Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota.

The plans are going quite smoothly so far. Starting in glorious Boston for a few days to get myself prepared. Then travelling by bus (Jennie must think I’m quite the fool!) to New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, North and South Carolina, then Georgia to meet up with Winter and others for a bit.

After I’ve gotten as far as the South, it is back North again to Chicago, where I plan to spend 4-6 days in the city I’ve heard so many wonderful tales about. After that, it’s heading to the North West, through various states and ending up in Seattle, Washington, my favorite city of all-time, to stay for a few weeks and soak in the Seattle Culture and scene.

After my time in Seattle, it will be time to get back to Boston, coming back through the North, passing through whatever may be there. Owww. (Sorry, listening to AC/DC and they went “Owww” and I felt like that kind of summed it all up.) The trip will last from one month to three months, depending on my money situation. I want to enjoy America, so I’m not going to be rushing it.

However much fun it will be however, I must admit I’m a little nervous about such a big solo journey. After it’s all over, though, I’ll have so many new tales, memories and experiences under my belt. It’s going to be so worthwhile. I feel like grabbing a banjo and writing a song about the whole thing.

I need to start arranging the music I’ll be taking along. I have to pack lightly, so whatever I do bring with me has to be quality music to both inspire and entertain, but on as few tapes as possible. I’m thinking a mix of Soundgarden, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Less Then Jake, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Aerosmith. It will be the ultimate music collection for being on the road and to enjoy my freedom with. And there you have it. Seeya. SkeeT Love.

Sunday, April 08, 2001

Who would have thought you could become such close friends with someone you thought despised you in high school. Yeah, I mean you Paul :Þ But it's the most unlikely thing, and the person I thought hated me, thought I was a freak turns out to be a great guy who is totally on my level and awesome to talk to. Life is so unpredictable.

I've been feeling a little unfilfilled by some friendships lately. In fact, got really hurt by it all. Ah I guess everyone just goes through a stage where they kindof forget other people's feelings. I have to send out huge thanks to the awesome people who have been great to me recently, cheering me up and just making me feel wanted. Jennie, Ferg, Ally, Paul - you have all been there for me and it's much appreciated! And also, I was talking to Frank today, and had a pretty cool short conversation. First AIM convo actually! Which is even cooler.

Had some wonderful e-mails from my great friend Winter today... she's in Georgia and we met in 98, and will meet once more some time in May. I can't wait. A truly special friend, like all of you! :) I hope you are all doing great, so take care, and SkeeT love to ya :)
Would you believe it. Today I feel sick.... not fun. I'm going to crawl into bed soon... I can't eat anything, so I have to drink water all day, that's it. I hope it doesn't last long. One thing, I finally got AIM back on this machine, so if you want to message me click here or add Skeet263 to your buddy list. Seeya.