Saturday, March 31, 2001

It's now nighttime. The sun has fallen, the moon risen, bathing me in soft, unrevealing light. I sit with my golden slippers on, pipe in my mouth, explaining the meaning of life. Sorry, just felt like writing a load of crap there. But yeah, it's night. Today I participated in a marvel of new technology, something which I have done many times before, but when it's done at such distance for free, you really think "wow". I was chatting to Will who is in Australia with MSN Messenger's voice thing... pretty supercool.

I'm going to shake up my life again in the next few weeks. New clothes, travel and much more social things. I may even go out and make some lovely new friends :) But for now, I'll concentrate on just going out a bit more. In bed last night I was just thinking how dull my life has actually become. I'll try to make that no more. I've been getting to used to sitting around, or playing computer games. So I'm grabbing the world... well, so I say.

I really want to go on this ski trip. How fun. In the cold all day, making an ass of myself, but then at night going to the lively bars and having a bud, getting to know my fellow wyldcats. Yeah. The price is pretty good too, so all I have to worry about is falling and lookin like the most clumsy fool. Hehe... all part of the fun. Although if that last minute Jamaica trip is still as low as it was today, I may be there sipping rum and lying on a hammock. Is that what they do there? That's all I can think of. Seeya. SkeeT Love.
I'm going on a short vacation shortly! I had the idea after talking to Ferg, who suggested I should just be bold and go for it. And I will. I'm thinking of some sort of snow holiday, maybe Austria, Italy or France... If not, then a nice last minute holiday to somewhere like Jamaica. I'm kinda happy now I get to arrange this. Seven days of lovely fun, and a break from this horrible town.

Ms Stranger brought up a good point... an about me page, for anyone who is even slightly curious about who I am. I had the idea before, but was waiting for my new computer (which I still am). Maybe in the next couple of weeks. And my age... 18.

That's it for now. I'll probably write more today. My computer is now back in my room, so I'll try to get back to longer, insightful posts :Þ SkeeT Love y'all! :)

Friday, March 30, 2001

I luv birds :) I just realised... there was a blackbird looking at me from outside. Aww. they are so cute. U just wanna hug them :Þ
Hellooo my faithful visitors. You may have noticed the blog offline earlier... that is because I deleted the index by mistake, then blogger was offline so I couldn't get it back. Anyway, it's here now! I've uploaded my Sim Family page ... hehe... it's the family and home I've created from the game, so you can take a peek at my progress by clicking here.

Feeling good tonight. Want to give a shout out to my best friend, Allan Forbes, who really is the coolest person you could ever know. So, everyone, let's hear some applause for Allan... oh ya.. this is a blog, isn't it. Ha. :Þ Okay, pathetic humor. Yo, Ms Stranger, also... as for my location, well it's top secret ;) I like to leave that a mystery. Sometimes there may be clues in this blog, so you have just got to guess :)

Today I sighed relief at that fact I was single. Yes, I'm still enjoying it. No muss, no fuss.... okay I don't know what that means really... but it's from Sim City, so it has to be good. Am I just very dense? I think so. That's about it for now. SkeeT Love to ya all!

Thursday, March 29, 2001

Went to town today. Didn't get tatooed. Feel tired. Bed soon.

Very short sentences. Today a little bit of me was wanting someone... strange. It's passed now. But I saw four people I just wanted to go over, hug then invite them back to my place ;) ;) Nah I'm not really some obsessed dude. I can be very happy single. You just get that urge. I really am drained. Off to bed with me. It's early but I'll collapse soon if I don't. Long live rock :Þ skeet love.

Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Haven't written an entry in the last few days, but I've just been sleeping. Well, not all the time. Had to arrange some stuff as well, so there ya go. And sorry to Ms Stranger, who I accidently called Mr.... in my defence however, I can't exactly guess from a sexless name :Þ But hey, good luck with that speech... You know, I could never do that. Did it once when I was forced, and made a fool of myself.

The truth is, right now there's not a whole lot to write about. I have some nice ideas to add onto the blog, like an about me page, and add some webcam pics, but that needs to wait until the new computer arrives.

More tomorrow. I promise. If I have to, I'll go out tonight and get tatooed, so I have something to report on ;) Love SkeeT

Sunday, March 25, 2001

Do you want to know how much yesterday sucked? It sucked like a bagless vacuum cleaner. Shit. And why? Well, I stayed in my bed all day watching tv. Nowhere to go, everyone seems to have forgotten I exist.

It wouldn't be so bad if I had my new pc already - but I have to wait even longer. So, nothing to do, noone to talk to, damn. How much does that suck.

I'm just not really sure why everyone seems to forget me. Is it because my company is so amazingly bad? Is it because I bore you all so much? Tell me. Even those who claim to be a friend of mine seem to forget me. Damn, damn, damn.

Enough of my moaning though. I shouldn't really worry. Once I get over this boring weekend, I'll have some little bits of fun in my life again, such as Sim City. Oh - if you really want a great laugh, go to Frank's Blog and read about the signs he passed recently. If you don't actually land on your floor, rolling about screaming and guffawing, then I really doubt you have any sense of humor. Ha. Love SkeeT.