Sunday, July 29, 2001

feeling strangely good... had an excellent day, even though the time of excellence was perhaps 1/6 of the day :) Not to say, however, that the rest of the day was bad... not at all. Just lazy, uneventful, tv watching/sleeping kind of a day. Which was nice, certainly relaxing... and my time with Mike and Jill at a quaint little tea shop (well, quaint, in a rich town... with posers outside :-p) and at Omega Restaurant... it was all wonderful. Good conversations and such.

And now I find myself with some time to write an update... that's nice, isn't it? Because, lately my time has been pretty lacking. It's been swell, however, just one of those things where life is so full you can't keep up. Let me tell you about yesterday. Went to Michigan, with Mike D, Mike R, Frank, Paul, Ryan, Wanyu and Rob Thomas. Great day, fabulous weather. I enjoyed myself, and we ran up the sand dune. Pictures of all this when I return home... which is in a week... no, even less. Woah.

So a trip is nearing its end. One full of excitement, wonder, beauty, life-affirming acts and even sometimes utter fear (near death experiences, etc). I look back on it with lots of joy; lots of memories which will never fade. And as home draws closer, I look forward to it, my own home-comforts, friends, bed, tea...:) Awesome. So take care, and write me some emails, and have a jolly good day. Skeet.