Thursday, September 20, 2001

it was pouring rain outside, but i was stuck indoors. in a minute of impulsive thought, i put on my fleece and headed out. with a mission. okay, maybe two missions. firstly, i had to get more tea. secondly, i wanted to clear my head as only a walk in the rain will do. and it was also nighttime, so the streets were calm, the roads were slow and it was just me, the rain, the sky and the ground.

so i walk down, through the forest area, listening to the rain fall on the trees.. watching the soaked, dark ground and loving the way it feels when you stand on wet leaves. all the time in the world to think... the thoughts of youth, of life and of course love. and when there's nothing in front of you except soothing, vibrant, envigorating rain, you feel like you can do anything.

as i get out of the wood, i'm taken onto the winding streets. some people pass me, and i continue down. soothed, relaxed, determined. it's always fun going to the supermarket. it's where life is replenished, and the whole world is there. and me. standing, picking out my tea. a simple task, which makes me feel nice, and which will give me pleasure in the nights to come, sitting at home... with that cup of tea.

supermarkets are always a place people seem to make "the eye" at you. filled with a bunch of lonely university students, looking for their prince or princess. but for once, i wasn't. and it was a new experience. i didn't quite know what to do... as they all thumb their melons, and gaze longingly over the frozen fish freezer. so i just.. ignored it. and if i thought anyone was after me, i gave a mean look. it's not nice of me, and i'm not proud. but, it's what i did.

the walk home was satisfying. i had my tea - four kinds (earl grey, green tea jasmine, green tea leaf and bourbon vanilla). And with my tea, I walked the long road home. More freedom, and more time with my thoughts.

Of course, there's only so much time you can spend with your own thoughts. But I'm glad I did it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

you'd have thought with a new layout, i would have updated more. but i'm lazy :) actually, i'm so happy now... i just haven't known quite what to say. a look at my status should give you a clue as to why. in fact, happiness doesn't even start to describe it. :)

my dad surprised me yesterday - brought me over a huge bridie (it's a scottish meat pie.. yum), a huge strawberry cheesecake (omg it's delicious) and a massive tub of forest fruits ice cream (*sigh*.. so yummy). it made me even happier, and by the time the day ended i was hurtin my face with so much smiling.

sheila's got a flu or a cold right now :( let's all hope she gets better soon.

frank still hasn't put his site back up - grr

jill sent me a cool email - thank you! and i look forward to the longer one :)

huong is a really good listener :)

well that's it... i can't think of much :) hehe... but i'm gonna go eat breakfast. !!