Saturday, April 07, 2001

Oooooh I'm still very tired, so I won't post much. I need to recover. I've changed the blog some more - this is now v3.0b... what do you think? I had to move it from casaba's server though, to make the PHP work... one good thing though, it should be faster. If you notice any problems give me a shout. I'm going to sleep soon, so later. SkeeT Love.

Friday, April 06, 2001

I didn't go to bed last night. Couldn't sleep a wink, so after watching Frasier in my bed for two hours, I decided to stay up the whole night. I spend from 2am to almost 6am chatting away with Awesome Ally... about very peculiar, but nice things, ranging from Miagina Tendencies to love with lions! But a very enjoyable period of insomnia. The time flew by. Then at 8am I decided to take a leisurly jaunt into town, where I got coffee and a Seattle guide book and a USA 2001 book. That's it for now. Bedtime.

Thursday, April 05, 2001

Boredom has really got me today. Not sure why, but it's annoying. I suppose after a good nights sleep I'll feel a lot more lively. All the redesign took some energy out of me. I've been planning on doing two long entries for a few days but haven't had the opportunty, or haven't felt like it. I will tomorrow though. Definitely. Good luck to Jennie who goes on her first bus trip! Have fun! :)

On the travel plans front, it's still going well. May 1 looks a good departure date if everything goes well, credit card arranged etc... so I don't lose wads of cash. It's pretty exciting which is keeping me going. I'm an adventuror, and there's nothing better than the opportunity to roam America. I'm making a rule of no excess planning - just going where the wind blows. Having a simple Starting place, midway point and end point. Boston, Chicago, Seattle. From there - who knows. Well, I'm away to get some rest. And most people I know are in relationships! I should be happy but I'm jealous. Even though I like being single... ahhhh well. I'm not looking to meet anyone anyway - too much hassle for now. Seeya. SkeeT Love.

Wednesday, April 04, 2001

I'm doing it! It's 97% set.... In a month or so, I'll start in Boston. Then spend a couple of days in New York and Washington DC before getting a train to Chicago, where I will spend a week. From Chicago, I will find my way to Seattle, which will be my base for 40 days. Then, to finish it off, I take a 12 day west to east coast tour with Green tortoise on a cool cramp bus, back to Boston. Yay. Well, that's the basic idea... So if anyone wants to meet up, I'll probably pass your way somehow... so get in touch ;) Ahhh... 40 nights in a hostel... am I mad!?!? YES!!! hehe but it's a nice one... right in a great spot in Seattle.

Ah well - thought I'd keep you all updated. And yo Jennie... course you can come in my backpack... not taking a case, keepin it all light... hope ur small :Þ SkeeT love.

Tuesday, April 03, 2001

I think I'm finally going to do it. Travel a bit - maybe next month. Ahhh.... it's exciting and scary. I don't know yet though, haven't completely made up my mind. I might start off in the east from Boston, then maybe make my way across to Washington.... maybe. But I have to figure out where I'll stay, how I'll travel etc..... very scary stuff for me. But it will be fun. I hope. Ahhhhhh.

Anyone want to join me? ;) hehe... I wonder if I'll go through with it. It would just take a tiny bit of planning, then I could see where the wind takes me. No car though, so I'd have to enjoy the luxury of buses, or something. Or get a ride on the back of a truck - do people actually do that? :Þ Okay, you can see I'm new to this free-spirit travel stuff. But heck, I think I'll go for it. I have the time and enough money to have a relatively comfortable cheapy trip, if I can find enough nice cheap places to stay...

Well, all I can say really is - I'm kinda scared, but really excited. It will get me out of my boring room! yay! SkeeT love.
“She'd cradle my broken head in her all-healing lap that beat like a heart; my eyes hot would feel the soothe fingertips of cool, the joy, the stroke and barely touch, the femenine sweet lost bemused inward-biting far-thinking deep earth river-mad April caress—the brooding river in her unfathomable springtime thoughts— The dark flowing enriched silty heart— Irish as peat, dark as Kilkenny night, sorcerous as elf, red-lipped as red-rubied morn on the Irish Sea on the east coast as I have seen it, promising as thatched roofs and green swards there bringing tears to my eyes to be an Irishman too and lost and sunk inside her forever.” - Extract from Maggie Cassidy, by Jack Kerouac

I just like that. So that's all I'm writing for now, I'll write more later today. I'm feeling kinda sad... as unwanted as a fungal infection, as important as a toenail. Last night on MSN Messenger, about five people were too "busy" to talk to little old me... considering I'd never be busy for a friend, ever, it's hurtful to know. Ah well. Some say I'm too sensitive. SkeeT Love.

Monday, April 02, 2001

Okay a bit later than I expected to write at, but here it is. A longer entry. Tonight has been very strange - being amazingly happy, then plunged into worry for someone.

I've always thought, and still do think this, that life can be dealt with. Not just handled.... but completely controlled and managed. And no matter what comes up in life, you can find a way to cope, and get over just about anything yourself by realising how nice life is, what a precious thing it is. I mean, come on... one life. Is that a lot. Hell no. In fact, most of us will only see 70 years, and almost 20 have passed already.... so from 20 until 70, you can either dwell on things from your past, or you can get on, enjoy it. But of course, enjoy it completely by your own means. Make sense? Probably not, but there's a point in there you may just get, so that's something.

I've had a heap of crappy stuff happen to me so far in life... I won't dwell on it though. And I won't try to cover it up, because I'm going out into the world with my head up, and say to everyone "I can take you all on", and most importantly, yell out "I can take on life". Now, apart from everyone thinking I'm a complete lunatic for saying that, it's good, and I'm being quite proactive or whatever. So that's that... I just said what was in my mind, it probably makes no sense at all, but I felt like saying that.

Onto another subject. I'd really like to know why some people are starving for approval. Many people I know are starting to take questionable paths to gain some sort of acceptance.... those who are hanging out with the completely awful people with no personality, no thoughts of their own, just to look "cool". Woooooo big deal, you lusers... so you hang out with some so-called "cool" people just to look good. You don't get any mental stimulation, because you are all silly little sheep, following whatever looks best, not going with what is in your heart, which what you should always do anyway, but doing what the others do, so you look lovely. Well Pah to you. Is that even a word? Well, I don't care. I like it. So anyone who is hanging about with any in-crowds, why not get out now, go find some decent friends who have their own opinions, then perhaps... oooh I dunno, develop your own personality! Too wild for you? Oh you poor thing, well I guess you really are suited with those lusers. But, when you get older and realise it was all fake, and that you have no true friends, and have to start from scratch, please don't go and look me up and tell me I was right. You put the cushion on the sofa, so you're gunna have to go sit there.

Now, that wasn't really aimed at anyone in particular... more me just speaking to the people I would actually love to tell that to. The truth is, the people who read this blog are decent, wonderful people, who are certainly not sheep. So, noone take that personally. It's just something I wanted to express. Maybe, just maybe, someone like who I described will come across this blog and thing. But maybe not. Anyway, it's off my mind now. That's nice.

I never saw the fascination with acceptance anyway, especially not from a bunch of fakes. I wouldn't do a single thing to try and impress them, ever. So there we go. Boy, I am really rambling on tonight! But I have a lot on my mind, a lot to say, and this is helping... I just wish some people could listen to what I have to say. I may not be Mr Insightful, doleing out the best advice in the world, but I will say that I believe fully in what I say, and think that there is a lot of truth in it, which people may be able to take something from, if willing.

Now, to reply to faithful blog reader, Ms Stranger. Thanks for writing :) Well, if you want to get in my suitcase and come with me, fine by me... I have a big case, but when it goes through the baggage scanner thing, if they spot you, I know nothing about it :Þ As for writer's block... I know what that's like :( But, then everything I say anyway is kinda... shall we say, dense, uninformed and poorly written, so it's not really a problem for me if i'm stuck, i just write any old crap. But for you, yeah, go do something freeing, a break, or go do something very exciting and cool that will maybe stimulate you. Most of all, get some really good inspiration. And my birthday is 30 December 1982... planning on sending an ecard? hehe... But, you know I was absolutely surprised when I found out I made you laugh. You seriously need some sleep!!!! hehe.... take care Ms Stranger, and indeed, to all my readers.... hehe. SkeeT Love!!!!!!!!!! :Þ

Sunday, April 01, 2001

Especially for Ms Stranger: Well, I was planning on writing a nice long entry, but wasn't in the mood of really doing it, so decided to put everything off until later, maybe three hours from now after I'd chilled out a bit. And then I was going to reply to your nice notes on my guestbook. So I still am going to do that... stay tuned to this blog :Þ Right now I'm away to grab some food and coffee. And thank you for always writing! Gives me something to look forward to reading every day :) seeya.
Today I was told I was a bit "freaky". How nice. Well, needless to say, I wasn't exactly thrilled at hearing that. So I guess it's true... I'm freaky. I wonder why. Oh well. I was feeling fantastic this morning, but hearing that has put me on a downer. Actually, I think I'll leave this entry for later when I'm in a better mood. Maybe in a few hours after I have some coffee etc. skeet love.