i'm tired. very tired. i want to go relax in bed with a cup of tea, and watch more er. i'm seriously addicted - 6 episodes yesterday, and 6 the day before. i had a great day, though. let me give you the details ;)
woke up... pissed off because i couldn't sleep anymore. i have no idea why, but it was impossible. so i dragged myself downstairs, made a bagel with cream cheese and ham and watched tv until it was time to get clean. so i got clean.. and washed my hair (herbal essenses for you interested folks). i also used this rough thing (i guess it's a loofah?) on my arms with bath and body works citrus basil shower gel. nice.
so after i'm all clean, i decide to wear a harvard u shirt into downtown dundee... dunno why but i haven't wore it other than in bed so i thought i'd go wild. i love my harvard tshirt :) anyway... i go to the bus stop, and there are two police officers there. i think someone tore down the bus stop overnight, but anyway i walked to the next one and almost missed the bus - made it though, sat down and got through the boring journey.
i got off the bus, and waited for ally. stood around watching the strange folk in the town go by. then i saw him approach, and we proceeded on looking for a cell phone for him. we got a sneeky salesman in one store, and a very vibrant 50 year old lady in another (i remarked to ally, she's such a cool lady for her age). she was really awesome! gave great honest advice. but, in the end he decided to go dodgy and buy a second hand cell phone and insert his old SIM card... not something i'd do in case the goods are stolen... but ally is a determined laddie ;)
well, we head out to the new starbucks in the welgate center... it's mediocre. nice staff though. i know the lady there, and we had a chat about coffee, and she said i'd be great workin at starbucks ;) hehe.. she's cool. getting used to her new automatic machine there. (how boring is this entry!!!!) we sat down, i showed my 10,000 vacation photos to ally and we moved on to the best starbucks in the overgate. (where some strange guys were staring at us! they looked slightly insane)
blah blah blah hehe - what a mess i'm making of this entry. sorry for my boringness. anyway! it was a great day, great to see ally and nice to go to starbucks. and, according to
steve, there's a great new show to look out for - amazing race. sounds awesome! i'm so tired!!!! I WANT SLEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! :):) Love ya all ;) skeet