Wednesday, May 09, 2001

I'm listening the the most beautiful album I've heard in a while. I got the advance CD this morning from those nice people at Capitol Records - Sparklehorse "It's a wonderful life". Lovely. This morning my airline tickets came in the mail, so I'm all set now to leave on May 30, very exciting!! Sometimes I feel like shouting out Zing! to express the joy ;-)

I never realised how much I love ER... that show is awesome. They are showing repeats each morning on Channel Four, two episodes a day, back to back. A great show, which always has the capability of being painfully touching and with sincere acting and wholesome storylines, I'd have to say it's up there with my favorite shows. God bless Channel Four. I love that channel, they show everything I love.

Over here in the good old UK, it's election time... campaigns have started and that strange man of the opposition William Hague is looking so awful, thinking he can actually win. If he does, the country is in for a terrible time. Labour rule! ya! ;) Actually they do - swell party, certainly have made my family much better off. Okay enough politics for today! And enough of me for today hehe... well maybe I'll write more later. take care y'all. skeet.

Tuesday, May 08, 2001

There's really nothing quite as sad as what is happening in my town. The so called "skanks" and the "moshers" are joining together to create a new supergroup, which as of yet has no name, but I am officially giving them one - the Wannabe PunkGothRocker Assholes. I'm not just making an uninformed judgment on these people, but I know a lot of them, who were previously into Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls and other pop bands... who told me when I expressed my love of rock music, "oh why do you listen to that crap, I cannae stand it".

And now they are all into it... not for the love of the music, I suspect. And along with their new "love" of punk, rock and metal music comes their fashion... the Slipknot tops (which gives away their terrible music taste anyway, so you ask yourself can they really like some of the best bands that ever came to be, when they are promoting the sick, awful Slipknot). Then you get the people with the Korn tops... but hey, whatever one was in the shop at the time is what they buy, I guess :Þ

And how sad to visit the music stores and see racks of Slipknot and Korn tops... how very, very sad. Somehow, wearing the tops is supposed to make them look really rawkin', cuz they are badass ppl. blah what fools. But hey, this is just my opinion and I don't intend to offend, it's just the whole situation in my hometown is very depressing. It's impossible to have a good Saturday in downtown Dundee anymore without seeing all these horrible people give you death stares under their black makeup and nail polish.

But anyways, on to something a little more lighthearted and frothy. My love life... non existant of course, but I feel love which I haven't felt since November 2000 and it's yuck. I don't like thinking I may be in love, because it brings too much heartache pain and frustration. But I have my needs, which need to be addressed. I'm not going to address them, though... bah.

Booked up my first week of my 66 day road trip.. in Washington DC, my starting point, I have everything set. Also, I have my Greyhound bus pass ordered, and my flight tickets are in the post... it's all so definite, so scary and so exhilerating. Only thing is I'm going to miss all my awesome friends! But 66 days after, I'll be back, so there ya go. I hope to see a bunch of my US pals when I'm there, so just remember to drop me a line I'm passing your way (DC, NC, GA, IL, MN, WA, CA etc ;)). Well, I'm off now... stay loose. SkeeT Love.

Monday, May 07, 2001

I'm such a weird guy... take tonight. First of all, I started off very, very happy, feeling great, for reasons I won't mention, then I got into a psychedelic chilled mood, and now I'm just kinda depressed... can't shake it off, grr. I just feel like life is standing still for me until May 30.. like I'm just stuck here with nothing going on. Then there's love... I know I always said before I wasn't really needing anyone, but oh goodness that's changed. Noone to hug, be with, and it's really getting me down. And I doubt I ever will find anyone, I've been told I'm too difficult to know.

I'd like to say hey to the coolest dude i know, Paul ... he's been mentioned in this blog before, but such a swell friend cannot go without a mention for long. I'm really, really pleased and lucky to know this guy! There's over six billion people in the world and so few of them are genuine, but he is, along with some other great people I know... and whilst I'm giving shout outs, hey to Jennie who is great to talk to, ahn young! and to Grace, what a groovy chick, we suffered Frau Nimmo's German class together a year or two ago... then to Frank with the awesome message board (come on, if you read this post there why don't you... exams no excuse ;) nah.. but yeah post :)) And hey to Eugene who I just linked to today, because I never realised his blog swinged like it does :)

I can't even take music anymore tonight... tried but my head got sore. Music is the one thing that usually shifts me away from feelin depressed but I don't have that... not until tomorrow. I think before I go to sleep I'll put a frasier video on and just be cheered up slightly by that then drift off.

What a feeling though... like I'm just stuck in some thing for 23 days... I really need to get out some more. Ahh to sip coffee in starbucks, it makes you feel alive. I'm off now, but I hope you all take good care. I know most of you who read this, and the people who are reading this new blog right now are the coolest people in the world! You all rock, and have a great day! Plus, to all those with exams coming up, like Paul, Jennie, Ferg, Sheila, and all the rest of you (did I forget you? well email me and tell me.. :Þ). Love Skeet.
Got the domain all registered, there we go :) Another new design, another address.. but this one is a permanent address. At least until I can't afford the hosting costs anymore ;-)

Got my flights all booked... did I mention that? I leave on 30 May, woo. Not much else has been going on, pretty boring week actually compared to last week. Made the most of it, just chilling, talking to friends online. Ahh. Anyways, more later. Skeet.