Wednesday, July 11, 2001



i am being forced to update, but what the heck... here's a summary of so far:

- near death experience in memphis, tn, involving myself and a very gung-ho cab driver
- sushi eaten with eugene and his friends - scrumptious
- atlanta, ga... hellish times, mixed with awesome times. met with winter - that was swell. in fact, i had a jolly good time. but otherwise. bleurgh... don't ask
- bus journey up to chicago... nice until indianapolis.. all the swanky people got off, and my human pillow (some dude i slept on) left so i had no comfort. fleeces rule.
- naperville, il - arrived to meet up with the awesome frank once more, with his good pal cindy...
- chicago, il - went to a science museum, discussed body slices, vibrators and george w bush....
- chicago, il - went for a bit of the old money spending with groovy jil... bought some swanky stuff, had a stellar time
- other good stuff, there you go... i will elaborate later on other things. for now i'm at frank's pad soaking up the atmosphere... with mike drago, king of cool, cindy, frank's pal, amy, banana lover and my good scottish self. ta ta... seeya later. email me if you want, if not, go shove a banana ...... :-p skeeter