Friday, August 24, 2001

Forest Walk, Clears My Head, Reawakens My Soul

I just got back from an awesome walk... next to my house there is a park, a forest place... which goes very high and is great for walking. It's full of nice green trees, bushes and shrubs. It's also very quiet, with hardly anyone around. I like it there, and forgot how good it was to just go out and take a stroll. It's certainly rejuvinated me for the day. I got some lovely fresh Scottish air as well.

Many thanks to Sheila for her cool email to me... with great hints on how to not be bored. They help - good suggestions. Ah, now all I have to do is try them all out and see if I can relieve my boredom everytime it pops into my life.

I do enjoy life. And now is the time for me to earn a little money so I can get travelling some more, and do more spontaneous things. As I was saying to Sheila this morning, there's nothing like being spontaneous... it adds spice into life, and makes you a much more lively and bright person. I enjoy doing things last minute, without prior thought... a lot of big things however, I need to work and get money for. Such as right now, I feel like going to Rome for the day, and spending the night. ;-) But that needs a little money (not much, since it's so close to the UK and flights are very cheap on budget airlines).

Try and add a little spontenaity into your life.... however you spell it. Because you will always look back on what you did very fondly, and have some new experiences under your belt. Go where the wind blows, jump on a bus one day and head for New York.... or even jump on a plane and just go over to Seattle for a nice cup of coffee :) It's going to give you some terrific stories to tell your friends!! :) take good care. Skeeter.

Thursday, August 23, 2001

What Do You Do When You're Bored?

Boredom is awful, a feeling of despair along with having nothing fulfilling in that point in your life. Horrid. So what do you do? And when you are bored, many things seem pointless, or you just can't be bothered to get off your lazy arse and do things.

I've been bored lately... isn't everyone. But what to do.... I don't know. Had a bunch of ideas, but couldn't be bothered following through. *Yawn* I'm bored right now... which is why I am writing this pointless update. So email me! What do you do!??! I want to know. :-p
i got a notification of legal proceedings in the mail today. how thrilling. apparently whilst i was away on vacation, i got a bill for one of my old domain names. i failed to pay, because i was out of the country, and now they want to take me to court. life is exciting, isn't it.

past few days, nothing has really been new. same ol' same ol'... but what can you do? tell me about it. ;-) anyway, i thought i'd do a little update before i start my day. why not email me? ;-) later. skeet.

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

i love green tea

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

i sit here... watching my life fly by, the sweetest years of my life dissolve and become extremely bitter. i sit back in my chair and look back, look forward, but whatever way i look it all ends with the same feeling. a slight emptiness. and what is there to fill it? i've not come to a definite conclusion yet, however i'll let you know.

and another summer has gone by. another adventure has ended. beauty is out there, beauty i have seen and experienced fully. but the ugliness of life is once more present. Not too ugly. we're comparing rita hayworth to lucille ball here. lucille is nice, but rita is astonishingly beautiful. and to match that, we must look further.

i'm babbling, but my point is what i feel and what i feel is what i write. and i enjoy sharing these little spells of madness, because it keeps me a little more together. like blades of grass i'm growing a little yellow with lack of moisture, with lack of exhileration.

i'll never forget the brightness of the sun one particular day in the usa. it was fascinating to see the world lit up around me, super to see the light shining brightly on all the faces, bringing a sparkle to life, injecting fun into the day. the warmth of the sun on my back, good company as well, i soaked in the splendidness of the day. it was truly beautiful.

and i'll never forget the dullness of some days. the days you feel like the world is ending, or that you'd like it that way. those days you climb into bed and don't ever want to leave, when comfort so close can seem so far, and your happiness is going to be stolen quicker than you could ever imagine. i won't treasure those days however, and i won't forget them. which pains me, slightly, which makes me feel a little more blue. even with the beautiful days why do the bad ones prevail in setting my mood.

but yes, i go now with a slight smile on my face and a wicked twist in my walkaway. i bid ye farewell for this dull day, and will join you once again soon. take care, loved ones. for i value you all, faithful friends and blog readers. have a truly wonderful one, and until we meet again, let me say goodbye.