Thursday, April 26, 2001

Well I'm back from town... had quite a boring time actually, although I always enjoy observing some of the local folk ;) Hrmm, but when I went into Virgin (I bought a Def Leppard cd and a Santana double cd) some guy was following me about the store, everywhere I went... giving me a weird look. Oh well, grr.

So then I went to Waterstones the bookstore, and got a huge book - The Rise And Fall of the Third Reich. :) What a nice bookstore... they serve coffee, it's so cozy and the staff are wonderful. In that town center, it's an escape from all the wacky people.

Well, I soon got bored so I walked home instead of taking the bus. Passed the university and saw some nice girls :) One had a wollen hat, and looked like such a sweet gurl. Ah well. So I'm heading towards Balgay Park to get home, and there's a guy and girl about 18 passing me... he stops with her, grabs her and gives her some huge stupid kiss thing... right in front of me. Why!? Do I have " I am single, rub it in" written on me? Ohhhh well. I reached home, put on the Def Leppard CD and here I am now. bah. SkeeT.
Wow, it's been a while since I updated! I apologise... things have gotten hectic, and I guess time hasn't been very abundant. I hope you are all doing well, those who read this :) I'm heading into town in ten minutes, so I'm just writing a short entry. I really don't know what to say :) I'm going on this trip soon, so I'll be switching this to my travelogue... then I'll have plenty to say.

You know a sad fact about life. A lot of people you know will leave you in a heartbeat as soon as they get accepted by some cooler people. And that's completely true. Heck, I have to ask myself the question of what *I* would do if say the coolest people in the world asked me to chill with them. That's tricky, because I realise I'm as much of a lameass weak guy as everyone else.

Recently I've been reading up on WWII... I don't know why, but ever since Channel 4 put up their Science and the Swastika documentaries, I've been hooked - I might even buy some book or video today about it. God, I cannot believe Hiltler was responsible for the murder of like 5 million innocent Jews. Why oh why. How could he be so evil? So unresponsible and wicked to kill them, and also to get his SS doctors to "experiment" on them. It just makes me so sick. Oh well, if nothing else we learned a lesson, too bad it came at the expense of so many valuable lives. But even recently shit like that has still gone on. Oh yeah, the UN and NATO have tried to stop it all, but people were still killed. One good thing, however, is the recent arrest or whatever of Milosovic. Hopefully he can pay for his crimes, unlike Hitler who just killed himself.

Oh well... my bus will be here soon so I better get out of here. love & lemonhugz from your lazy blogger Skeet. (PS - Go check out Jennie and Frank's blogs to the right because they are updated with awesome content and should be read by the world :))