Saturday, August 11, 2001

jill and skeet
Jill and Me in Oak Park

Frank is amazing. No, also awesome. Everyone should visit his site!!! :-D Because he sent me my photos (25 mb zip file!!) today. I can finally get them online. Thanks, buddy! :-)

The weekend. Well, it's here. Looked forward to by so many but not by me. I lose my freedom - my mom is home from work and I no longer have the house to myself. Ah well, Monday is close... not long to wait now.

Yes, the Bea Arthur link was rather risque :) But, it's extrememly funny :) I rarely offer naughty links, so it's a very pleasant surprise for you all =:¬Þ Well, now I'm away to work on putting these photos online. Plus, check out the front page of for the new look welcome page :) Skeet.

Friday, August 10, 2001

The Secret Life of Bea Arthur -- Who knew!

Thursday, August 09, 2001

Twenty weeks in Russia. $5000. That sounds wonderfuly tempting. And I'm completely serious. I couldn't think of a better way to spend the next twenty weeks. Because, let's face it, it's better than twenty miserable ones in a town I loathe. Today more than others I've been feeling rather depressed about my situation. Back home, almost in college (if I decide to go)... just things mounting up, my direction is lost once more. I thought it would be fine once I came back, but as I've mentioned before, the town intimidates me too much. Everything is too familiar. I know most people I see on the streets, and they know me. And 90% of them don't get along with me.

I just crave adventure, new scenery, new situations. I love the challenges things can bring, and the satisfaction after I get through it all. Wouldn't Russia provide that? Yes. And if I had the money, I'd go in a minute. But alas, I'm paying off debt from my last trip. But I'll get there. My fur hat is waiting to be worn, and Russia will experience the joy of Skeet :)
I just took a personality test... here's the result

"Skeeter, you're a Skydiver!

You're a free-spirited, independent, action-crazed lunatic. You love movies with sex and violence, and you drive like a maniac. "Anything for a good time," is your motto, even if that means dancing half-dressed on some booze-slicked bar. But let's face it, you're so fun, interesting, and gung-ho about life that people find you irresistible no matter what you do."
I woke up this morning feeling suprisingly comfortable. No, not with life, but with my sleepwear :-) Pygama pants from Meijer, and a Harvard tshirt. I glanced in the mirror, and thought... hrmm, I look comfortable. And felt it too. So as I eat my breakfast, I was happy in the knowledge I felt loungy.

Billy Joel is playing right now - River of Dreams album. It's good. I have the house to myself in the days so get to play whatever I want, as loud as I want. It's fun, especially playing music I wouldn't feel comfortable playing around my mom. It's going to be a great lazy day, but I also have the knowledge that I have to decide about college soon. And basically, if I don't decide to go, then my parents will be severely pissed off, and I won't get money each week for going. It's tough... because I really don't want to go to this particular college. It's in Dundee, the town which is filled with negative memories for me... and probably in my classes will be some of the major assholes from high school. Also, quite honestly, I've had it with learning. I'd rather live life and learn that way than read someone else's version in a book, or someone else's set agenda for what I need to know. Screw it all. If it wasn't for parent's pressure on me, I'd say fuggit.

I feel like expanding my site a little more today, but I'll probably end up with nothing new :) As I was saying to Dave yesterday in an email, I'm such a pathetic site design guy, because I never carry my ideas completely through. I'll write more later, but for now I'm going to get started on something :) Or perhaps spend more time on the board... something productive! I'm still completely exhausted from travel.. I should be getting over that soon, but it's difficult. Especially when I didn't travel in a stress free way - I did it by Greyhound in the US, and so that takes a lot out of you, and is very stressful. More so when you move about each week. Skeet.

Wednesday, August 08, 2001

did you know that ernie is a really cool and awesome guy? what's even cooler is that i've had the chance to meet him :)
did you also know that dave is a really cool and awesome guy? haven't met him, but chatted plenty online.

those two people are just a selection of the great people i've managed to become friends with. so there ya go, a little shout out :)
I find myself in the middle of another day, and with nothing much to report. So I'll concentrate on the more blog aspects of my life, such as the archives are now open once more, there is a pictures page so you can get an idea of what I, and the people I talk about look like, and also if you look on the right hand side, below all the links, there is a new feature, so you can leave me little notes, or comments about anything :)

One thing I forgot the other day when I updated was, on Saturday 4 August, I met up with my good friend Paul at Starbucks. Had a great chat, although I feel like I talked and talked so much he must have been bored stiff :) I had a great time though, and it was especially good to see him again after 2 months. He was the last friend I saw before I left, and the first when I came back. That's groovy! :-)

When I met Eugene in Memphis, he wore a cool fisherman's hat, because he couldn't be bothered to gel his hair that morning. I thought it was such a cool idea, I went to K Mart and got myself one a couple of weeks ago :-) And I'm wearing it now. So thanks, Eugene! Great fashion idea :-D

Had a chinwag with Frank this morning. Discussing some technical stuff... I'm working on an improved message board for our sites. The old Fateboard was awesome in its shining hours, but seems to have... lost it's wonder. Mostly because it was wiped to start fresh. So my thinking is, why not try and add some new features. Nothing mind blowing. I mean, you won't jump out of your seat and run around your town screaming "The Board Is Amazing!"... nah, you may however say to yourself... "gee whizz".

It's been a while since I got to explore The Only Gay Eskimo's site... the awesome Jodee has added some great new stuff. It's dirty, hard hitting, and definitely smashing! Check it out some time. The George W Bush and Al Gore kissing picture is a hoot, isn't it Sheila :) (yo Sheila! Hope the Disney movie turned out well! :)) Well, that's it from me for now. Later, later.. later! :) Skeet.

jill and skeet
Jill and Skeet in Chicago
i have a small request :) if you haven't signed the guestbook recently, perhaps you could now :) i just love getting entries, and it's there for a purpose :):):) thanks! skeet.

Tuesday, August 07, 2001

Well, I'm home. And it feels strange. Yeah, it's nice to be back to my own bed... my own refrigerator and all that. But I really do miss the USA... and the folks of Naperville, IL... I had a great time. One that I don't think could be matched in the near future. It's strange not to be hanging out with Jill, Mike, Frank and many others... not sharing wisdom, having a good old fashioned chinwag. And I dearly miss that wholesome banter.

The wonderful people there kindly bought me a Queen of Clean apron! It was so thoughtful, and I will wear it daily with extreme pride! :-) It made me guffaw for many, many hours. How sneaky of them, as well... as it was slipped into my bag before I left :) You wyld things, Mike and Jill!

Had a hellish journey home, however. I arrived at Chicago Midway in plenty time for my flight... but thunderstorms started, and they closed the airport for almost 3 hours. Which meant, by the time I got in Atlanta, I had missed my flight into Washington DC.. however, they put me on a later flight, and it left me with 30 minutes in Washington to catch the London flight. I still had to collect my bags, and check into that flight... but I made it. I skillfully managed that whole journey without running into major disaster. And British Airways, for no reason at all, upgraded my flight from World Traveller, to business class. Which was awesome... a real treat after the terrible time I had getting on all the flights. I then arrived in London, where I had to wait almost 5 hours until my Edinburgh flight. After all the hassle, I reached home.

I feel so mixed about being back home. Sort of lost... unsure where my direction is. The funny thing is, I'm so intimidated by this pathetic little town. Even going to the chip shop seems scary. And the thing is, I travelled in the US alone... got on the Greyhound buses by myself, found most towns by myself. And nothing really scared me too much over there. I handled everything pretty well, and all the situations I found myself in. But now in Dundee, my home town... things are just so terribly different.

I suppose I'll adjust... and find myself here... but for now, I'll look at my photographs from the trip, remember the smashing times, the great people, and look forward to my next adventure, wherever it may take me. For now, I'll say seeya. Please email me if you want... I enjoy getting them :) the link is on the right. skeet.

eugene ahn and skeet
random usa pic - eugene and me at sushi place, memphis, tn

to see you when i wake up
is a gift i didn't think be real.
to know that you feel the same as i do
is a three fold utopian dream.
you do something to me that i can't explain
so would i be out of line if i said,
i miss you.
- incubus