Saturday, March 24, 2001

Town was good yesterday. Human contact is always good. But stuff is really pissing me off - like the fact that I haven't been able to get online at nights, and noone has noticed really.... oh well. The people I know are out having fun, I'm not. This town really does suck. Ah well. Screw it all. As Pete, the author of the wonderful blog I Hate Sundays pointed out to me - "everyone just sucks". Which is so true. They will forget about you in a heartbeat because they have better people to think about. However when they need you, they will talk to you. Why? Don't ask me.

I'm thinking of going back to bed soon. Not much point of staying up. My so-called friends are probably off into town to hang out, and I'm just going to be here, at home as usual watching Frasier tapes. I'm such a moan! Sorry. But I'm just pointing out the failing of the human race or whatever.

Why is it that people always want something. They either want you when noone else is around, want you to do stuff for them, or want you to piss off so they can have fun. And there really is no exceptions when it comes to everyone I know. Maybe I have a anti-people device attatched to me, but why the heck don't they all include me in everyday stuff. Screw ya all. (Well, not my faithful blog readers. You all rule :)). I guess I just need to embrace Pete's findings and work around it all.

This city doesn't help though. It's a boring little dump of a town. Ah well enough of my rambings. love SkeeT.

Friday, March 23, 2001

I'm eating a pear right now. Is it just me, or does the pear seem to be the odd one out in fruit? You never really hear people talking about pears much, say as you would with apples, or oranges or even bananas! So the pear is one of those fruits that now seem a bit exotic to me. And they taste damn good. If you take anything away from this blog today, take away the thought of a pear, and go buy one.

Out to town this afternoon. So I should have a bit more to report on later in the day. But I'll be able to have some coffee, which is always nice. And those lovely girls in Starbucks who always give me a smile ;) hehe.

Yo again to perfect stranger. My, you really are mysterious! No name ;) Well that's cool ya read this blog. I'm actually surprised anyone would want to waste their time reading my crap, but many thanks. Ooh. And take 3000mg of vitamin c to get rid of that cold. Always works with me. Right ya cool people - I'm away to have breakfast. I'll write more later. :Þ Love SkeeT. PS - nup, I ain't from doug, mr stranger ;)

Thursday, March 22, 2001

Why oh why: When you pour out your cereal, and left in the box there's only enough for another 1/4 of a bowl. Now, you can either leave it in the box, which makes no sense, because the next time you will have a very small helping, or you can pour the rest in. So you do that, then the bowl overflows, and you pour milk in and the whole thing is one big mess. Grr. All you Kellogs employees out there please assure me you will sort this out. Why not have nice helping meters in the box to give you an equal amount each time.

A big shout out to the wonderful Boston Globe :) Best newspaper in the world. Yup :) And also, hello to perfect stranger who signed the guestbook. I thank you for strolling in :)

The other day I got out the dusty copy of Sim City 3000. It's kept me occupied. You see, I now have to wait up to three weeks for the new computer, and so after deleting all my stuff, I'm left kinda bored. That game really is a heap of fun, though. And as you can tell, I don't really have all that much to say today, but I thought I would update the blog just to share my words with all my failthful readers. Take care :) Love SkeeT.

Monday, March 19, 2001

no updates for a few days. it will be almost impossible, so i should be back on thursday. take care. love SkeeT.

Sunday, March 18, 2001

i walked down the path leading to somewhere i never knew existed but i wasnt allowed in because i didnt meet the criteria to live and be loved and so all my nights are spent alone, with no hope as i slowly gaze out the window at what i could have but could never embrace. and so the weary clock turns and i watch the hours of my life pass and wonder why i stay here gazing at that clock
I feel a bit better now..
i must apologise. i hit a low. in fact a low i haven't felt in a long time. sorry. i've managed to piss off my mom, my close friends and that's not good. sorry.